I remember the first time I masturbated like it was yesterday. I was 12 years old; it was a Saturday in mid April. The night before, I had stubbed my toe, and I was lying on my parents' bed waiting for it to stop bleeding, when some church visitors came over and my parents had to go downstairs and visit with them. My parents had just purchased satellite TV, with all of the movie channels.
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I began the process of discovering self-pleasuring in the summer before 7th grade at, of all places, a church retreat. A kid at the pool we went to was staying over by the jet where the water comes out, watching a girl. When I asked what he was doing, he said I was too young to understand (which confused me, because I thought I was older than he was), but he did say that it "felt good."
I'm currently 22 years old and fresh out of college. Masturbation has been a big part of my life for as long as I can remember, and it still is. I'm proud of my daily habit and am open about masturbation with my friends. It wasn't always like that, though — I remember being very ashamed of it as a child. I'd like to share all the notable experiences that I've had in my life that make up my masturbation "history," as well as those events that eventually led me to the healthy views on masturbation that I have today.
Impresive resumé
I was very young when I learned to masturbate, only 7 or 8 years old. As a young child I remember having frequent erections. I once got one at the doctor's office (in front of my mom!) when I had to pee into a cup for a kindergarten physical. How embarrassing. But erections felt good, and I liked to play with them when I was alone. I'd like to say my first orgasm was a memorable event, but it wasn't. At that age, it felt erotic to sleep with no underwear. I soon learned that rubbing my penis against the sheets felt especially good.
Bean-bag chair
I'm 35 now. I started masturbating before I'd heard about what it was, probably when I was 11. I'm not sure, maybe it was 10 — but I do remember that I was in bed in the morning before getting up for school, lying on my back and pushing my erection down between my thighs and letting it spring back up. I found that this felt really good, and I'd just lie there for several minutes, doing it over and over until the feeling got too intense and I'd stop.
Is it cancer?
As of July of this year, I am no longer a teenager. I turned 20 and left my awkward, gangly years behind me. If only I knew then what I know now, growing up would have been so much easier.
Premium channels
It all started 10 years ago, when I was 9. I was always embarrassed to admit that, but in some way, I've always felt I accomplished something. I know people who hadn't masturbated until they were 13, and some who claim to have never done it. (Liars!) Well, all I have to say is that they don't know what they're missing.
Bygone ben-wa ball
As a female, I'm always intrigued to find out about the coming-of-age experiences of the opposite sex. I love the JackinWorld Biographies because not only are they sometimes a turn-on, but they provide amazing insight into men in general. Though the majority of your readership might not care about a girl's masturbation experiences, I'm willing to bet some people might find female information a little interesting for a change.
Truth or dare
I was never told about masturbation as a child. My parents do not openly talk about such things, and I had no siblings to explain it to me. I guess I discovered masturbation at quite an early age, although at the time I didn't know what it was. I have memories of being 6 or 7 and playing with my penis under the sheets while the babysitter was downstairs. I didn't know what I was doing; all I knew was that it felt good. It didn't develop into anything more than just playing — until I reached age 12 and a friend introduced me into the world of masturbation.
Strange facial condition
I knew about masturbation long before I actually did it, although I didn't exactly know what it was. For at least a year before my first orgasm (at age 12) I was looking in every medical book I could find to see if I could learn how to do it, and if anyone asked why I was looking through medical books, I covered it up by saying there was someone at school with a strange facial condition and I wanted to find out what it was. Well, that was kind of true; there was someone at school with this facial condition that made her face look all blotchy.