I have a very helpful tip for uncircumcised males regarding smegma buildup. Smegma can have a strong odor that is very distinctive, and it can be embarrassing when in an intimate encounter. It's pretty well known that uncircumcised men must keep the area beneath their foreskin clean, but it's my understanding that smegma buildup (the odor, not the physical buildup itself) is not necessarily an indication as to whether your foreskin and glans area is "clean" or not.
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Loosening A Tight Foreskin
A helpful hint for uncut guys of a certain age...or any age, maybe – I'm 71 and it's working for me. I was worried about how tight my foreskin was getting, to the point where I couldn't retract it. I had used handcreams and such to relax the foreskin, but it didn't help much. Lubrication did turn out to be the answer, but not the way I was doing it. This is my advice to anybody with the same problem: