I guess it all started when I was about 11 years old. Although I had heard of it, I wasn't masturbating then, because I thought you had to have started puberty before you could get an orgasm. So I hadn't even tried it.
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Shaving foam
Well, as most people, I discovered masturbation when I was 10 or 11. However, I guess I discovered the actual process of masturbation in a slightly different fashion than those I've read about previously here.
Pipe organ
I grew up in a house with two brothers (one older and one younger), and the interest in each other's penises was the source of much forbidden pleasure. While our parents were away we would often show each other our proud erections, certainly the symbols of approaching manhood. We would compare and fondle each other's penises, even though we had yet to discover the wonders of orgasm. Nonetheless, the experience was intense. Looking back on three young guys sporting their erect penises seems only like a dream.
My mantra
Although I probably had a hand around my fetal penis, I didn't masturbate to orgasm until I was about 14. A kid in the 8th grade lunchroom said something about "whacking off" and made a circle with his thumb and index finger. Up and down he gestured. I waited until a quiet Sunday afternoon when nobody was home. At that time I was still small enough to fit into an old canvas laundry bag, and I wore it over my naked body. The feel of the material stimulated me.
I've always been a person who thinks too much and concentrates too hard. This can become vexing, because you can never relax. I would build up huge amounts of stress. Seeing as I was the oldest of three brothers and had only an older sister, I had no way of stumbling across pornography or talking to a sibling about masturbation.
Erotic research
I am a heterosexual Caucasian male living in Upstate New York. I discovered masturbation accidentally. Around age 12, when my penis began to grow, my erections became more frequent and started to capture my attention. I initially wasn't concerned about my penis size; I was in the early stages of exploring my sexuality. I would stare in the mirror with my penis erect at a right angle to my body, just admiring the beauty of the whole experience. My erections were very hard, but they were still only about 4 inches.
Yoga For Flexibility
To all those guys out there who can manage autofellatio, and some who can't, I have three words for you: yoga, yoga, and yoga. I personally have always had the length and some of the flexibility required for autofellatio, although for some days afterward I'd always end up with a sore neck. Just recently I started doing yoga exercises, and most of my problems have disappeared. Not only do I lose the sore neck, but I can also go farther (helpful for those who can't quite reach), even ending up about a half-inch onto the shaft or so!