Hi, readers. This is the story of my life so far (or as much as I can remember anyway), so laugh, cry, whatever — just don't degrade it.
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Shiver down the spine
Gloves & Coffee Can Simulator
I have been trying to figure out a way that's simple to masturbate. This way I found works very well, feels about 95% like a real vagina. You'll need:
Marital masturbation
I am a female in my late 50s; my husband wrote Biography #8. I grew up in a large family in a house with only 2 bedrooms and 1 bathroom. Also, my parents were silent about sexual matters. I suppose those two factors account for the fact that I did not masturbate as a child or teenager. I was so ignorant of matters sexual that until I was probably 13, I was unaware the vagina existed. I believed that the anus was the female sexual orifice.