I was born with a foreskin, and I loved my foreskin. I would play with it and fondle it, and it was my best friend. Unfortunately, because my dad was circumcised, he did not teach me the importance of cleaning the inside while I showered. I was at my grandmothers taking a bath, and felt a stinging sensation in my penis. We went to the doctor's office when we got back to town, and he said I needed to schedule a CIRCUMCISION! So I went in, had it done, and then the nurse came in to check it out.
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oral sex
Plateau of ecstacy
It has been a real pleasure for me to read many of the stories on JackinWorld where guys like me have recalled the joys of masturbation from pre-puberty to the present. My story is and has been filled with satisfying memories of masturbation.
Life arousal
It seems that a few chance events in my early life have shaped my sexual life. At age 10 a new boy moved into our school from out of state. He knew all the bad words and strange activities that the rest of hadn't even dreamed about. He became a good friend to me. I was happy to have him as a friend because he knew how to have a good time and had lots of fun ideas. At first we had a good time playing ball, hanging out, and talking. One day he asked me about a neighbor girl that I played with quite a bit.
Dry leaves
I grew up in a Southern family that was extremely religious. We never talked about sex, alcohol, or bodily functions. Our home was almost puritanical; I never saw my dad or brothers naked. I'm sure that my mother was actually afraid of sex; my dad never spoke of it, although I think he had a very strong libido, so he was probably hugely frustrated most of the time. (In mid-life he left my mother to have a torrid affair with another woman.) I began to have sexual fantasies around age 10, although I didn't realize that's what they were.
Like most other people here, I have been masturbating for most of my life. I'm 24 now, but I first started doing it at age 11 and have been going at it on average at least twice a day from that point on. Unlike most other people here, I was sexually aware at a much younger age than when I started masturbating. What I mean is that I was having constant erections as early as 6 years old, and I can remember playing with my penis every time I was naked (bathtub, toilet, changing clothes, etc.).
Celebrate with champagne
I have been playing with my penis since I was a child. My mom told me not to put my hands in my pants, but she didn't tell me anything when I played with it during a bath or in my bed. My first embarrassing incident was at age 5. I stayed in a hotel with my grandmother, and I woke up with a strong erection. I grabbed it and just kept it in my right hand. Suddenly my grandmother started to get up and uncovered me, too, for a bit. She asked me what I was doing in my pajamas. I pulled out my hand and did not say anything. Fortunately she did not say anything more.
First rule of masturbation club
I had previously submitted a JackinWorld Biography, but the story was unfinished — just covering early years in detail with a smattering of info from college on. I would now like to relate further on my college years and beyond. My freshman year was my first time away from home for an extended period. As a daily masturbator facing a situation of living in a small room with another person in a very large dorm, I was wondering what was going to happen. Well, my roomie was a jerk.
Tea room
I discovered masturbation at a very late age. I was raised extremely conservative Christian. My parents never had "the talk" with me, so I learned only bits and pieces of information. By the time I was 14 (1996), I had read the entire 1964 World Book section on reproduction and sex. The whole reason I ever even tried masturbation was because guys at school would refer to it as if those who did it were weird or wrong. Guys always made fun of it, and I wondered what it was supposed to be exactly.
Stuffed animal
Masturbation has been a part of my life since I was pretty young. I haven't always referred to it as masturbating, but I've been doing it since I was in second grade. I remember my mother buying me a book on how babies were made when I was about 8. She bought it for me because I saw a naked girl on TV and was very curious and excited. It was the first time I remember becoming erect. I didn't realize sex, or my penis for that matter, had anything to do with this naked girl, but I guess my mother wanted to give me all the facts straight out.
Opportunity knocks
I was about 12 years old when a school friend introduced me to masturbation. When I was at his house for a visit, he showed me his penis, and he had an erection. I had never seen an erect penis before, but suddenly also my penis became erect. I don't remember that I ever had an erection at all before then. He showed me what you can do with your penis, and he told me that when I stroke my penis a white liquid will come out, which would be that stuff children are made with, and it will feel great.