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When you get an erection in public, how does it make you feel and do you do anything about it?
Streak of exhibitionism
I just recently came across JackinWorld and realized that at age 65, I have enjoyed 54 years of "self-abuse" so far. While not keeping count, I suppose I have averaged 3-4 times per week over the years, with no sign of stopping. Wow! That could be well over 10,000 masturbation sessions! For younger JackinWorld visitors the perspective of an older guy might be of interest — particularly, they should know life stays good!
Jilling off
I can barely remember exactly when I started masturbating, but my earliest recollections are from age 7 or 8, when I would lie on my stomach and press my penis into my cupped hands and thrust. For years I did this and got a "release," but with no ejaculation. I did not know or care, though; I still got an overwhelming feeling of satisfaction from it. My mother might have noticed the wrinkles in my pajamas right at the crotch, where I had been squeezing the flannel, but she never really said anything.