I am a 54-year-old female from the United Kingdom. I was bought up in an all-female household and went to a single-sex school. My entire sex education happened when I was 12, on the day I started my periods: My mother said to me, "Never let a boy touch you." That was it. I used to wonder why. I had never seen a man's body and certainly never seen a penis.
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sex toy
Powerful instrument
My mantra
Although I probably had a hand around my fetal penis, I didn't masturbate to orgasm until I was about 14. A kid in the 8th grade lunchroom said something about "whacking off" and made a circle with his thumb and index finger. Up and down he gestured. I waited until a quiet Sunday afternoon when nobody was home. At that time I was still small enough to fit into an old canvas laundry bag, and I wore it over my naked body. The feel of the material stimulated me.
Phone sex
Masturbation — what a wonderful thing! I probably started masturbating late in life. I was 15 the first time I did it. I had experimented quite a bit with girls by that age, feeling their breasts and and even masturbating them, although not to climax I don't believe. I always got erections during this petting phase but never thought about masturbating.
Inflatable fun
I began masturbating when I was only 4. My very first memories of masturbating involved inflatables.
Voyage of discovery
I think I was about 6 or 7 when I discovered that rubbing my penis felt really good — not just nice, as it had felt when I was younger. It started with a "rosy palm" trick: grabbing my penis with one hand and rubbing the very tip of my penis with the palm of the other. The feelings were incredibly intense, and I couldn't do it for very long. A few times, I was able to do this with my friend John, who was about same age. We did this secretly, as somehow we knew it might get us into trouble.
Like basketball
I am a 44-year-old African-American male. I got interested in masturbation long before I could do it. When I was very young I found my parents' stash of erotic magazines and books. There was one story, "Memoirs of a Southern Belle," that I will never forget. It was about a girl's sexual awakening during the Civil War. It is still the basis of many of my masturbation fantasies today.
The internet and bowling pins
Well, I'm not Methuselah by any means, but from the looks of things, I'm a bit older than a lot of the other Biographers. I came of age in the late '70s/early '80s, and the culture was very different then. There was no Internet. Personal computers were still owned primarily by hobbyists. Television was pretty tame. And masturbation was just not talked about.
Streak of exhibitionism
I just recently came across JackinWorld and realized that at age 65, I have enjoyed 54 years of "self-abuse" so far. While not keeping count, I suppose I have averaged 3-4 times per week over the years, with no sign of stopping. Wow! That could be well over 10,000 masturbation sessions! For younger JackinWorld visitors the perspective of an older guy might be of interest — particularly, they should know life stays good!
Pencil you in
Hearing from a female and her masturbation experiences, I hope, will fuel some fires and enlighten the males on this site. My very first experience or orgasm I can remember was while playing with a male cousin of the same age. Ever since I could remember, he was always showing me his male anatomy, shaking it at me and the like. I was always very embarrassed by this and afraid we would be caught and severely punished, of course. Luckily, nothing like that ever happened. We were playing in a little fort my uncle built for him. It was dark inside, and my little brother was present.
Doctor's orders
A biography of my life as masturbator, huh? Well, I started at a very young age. I have my older brother (by three years), and his friends, to thank for that. I was about 9 or 10 and, of course, I looked up to my brother and wherever he went, that's where I wanted to be. He wasn't too thrilled by my always wanting to tag along. One summer day he and a couple of his friends decided to take a hike. Known as the Golden Stairs, the light brown, shale-bottomed creek stepped down and down into a canyon until it dumped into a pond. The area was heavily wooded and was very secluded.