Hearing from a female and her masturbation experiences, I hope, will fuel some fires and enlighten the males on this site. My very first experience or orgasm I can remember was while playing with a male cousin of the same age. Ever since I could remember, he was always showing me his male anatomy, shaking it at me and the like. I was always very embarrassed by this and afraid we would be caught and severely punished, of course. Luckily, nothing like that ever happened. We were playing in a little fort my uncle built for him. It was dark inside, and my little brother was present. He was too young to know what was happening -- I myself was only 9. My cousin had a major curiosity about my body, as he had never seen it. He had his hands down my pants and was rubbing my clitoris. I remember being very wet and feeling an intense pressure and then an extremely good feeling, and then feeling very faint. I heard my parents' voices calling my name -- we had to go. Well, I could hardly walk and was so surprised from the events.
From that time on, I was enthralled by the feeling and played with my genitals whenever I could. When we visited my grandfather I would read his Penthouse magazines (the Forum column), while the whole family was downstairs, and rub my clitoris with whatever I could find. I finally grew very fond of long pencils with nice erasers on them. (New, unsharpened ones were my favorites.) I would dip the pencil down to my vagina, wet the pencil with my natural lubrication, and pull it up across my clitoris and rub until I would climax.
I have tried other things and found them satisfactory, but not nearly as intense as the pencil. My other favorites are a shower massager -- holding it far back from my mons and letting it spray all over my clitoris area. This usually makes things happen very quickly for me and is very intense and good clean fun. I have also used hairbrush handles, toothbrush handles, vacuum attachments (great sucking action on the clitoris), and the usual standard devices -- vibrators, dildos, etc. Still to this day, my favorite is with a pencil and my natural lube.
At 37 and married to a wonderfully sensual older man of 55, masturbation is a very important part of BOTH of our lives, together and separately. I have just purchased a new toy for him -- it is like a pump with two vibrators. We lubed this up, and I enjoyed watching him self-pleasuring for me. When he finally ejaculated, it was intoxicating. Thanks to this site for exposing one of the underexposed pleasures of life. This is safe and healthy, in and out of any relationship. I would like to see more Biographies from females -- however, the male Biographies really excite me and get me ready. HELP! I think I may be addicted!
Keep it up!
Do you find yourself masturbating more often during some seasons than others? Why?
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Pencil you in