I first learned about "playing with myself" when I was 6 or 7 years old. Before that I had always "played with myself" like any young boy does, but I had never really thought about it. Then one day I started thinking about it. I was at my best friend's house, and we were playing hide-and-seek with his neighbor. We bored of it, so we hid in his woodshed and locked the door. The neighbor soon tired of looking and went back to his house.
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Midnight watch
My first orgasm occurred at age ten when I was climbing a metal pole on a playground. I had been pulling myself up with my arms and then tightening my legs around the pole while I slipped my arms up and continued climbing. When I got near the top of the pole, I experienced the wonderful, thrilling feeling of my first orgasm. I held on to the pole very tightly while it happened, and then I slid back down and sat on the corner of a sandbox to think about the experience. I was very excited by the discovery.
I've always been a person who thinks too much and concentrates too hard. This can become vexing, because you can never relax. I would build up huge amounts of stress. Seeing as I was the oldest of three brothers and had only an older sister, I had no way of stumbling across pornography or talking to a sibling about masturbation.
Dizzy Drollers
It all started in 2nd grade, at around age 9. Somehow, I got a hold of two "Dizzy Drollers," as they were called — cute little psychedelic-colored pens, which an ordinary kid would have used to draw jaggy red or blue lines on a piece of paper. In retrospect, the small vibrating phallic-shaped "pens" could be easily called and sold as vibrators, if it weren't for the coloring tip (which was removable, by the way). It didn't take me long to get bored by the seemingly random lines it created, so I started looking for other ways to use it.
Scrambled porn
I remember the first time I discovered masturbation. I was 11 or 12. I remember lying on the floor doing my spelling homework, and for some odd reason or another, I just started to rub my penis on the floor. It started to feel really good, so I continued doing it. Then suddenly, this explosive feeling swept over me from my head all the way down to my toes. It felt great — like nothing I had ever felt before.
15 strokes per minute
I can remember my first time exactly. It was June 7, 1997. It was finals week at my junior high, and each day of that week was a half day, so I was home early. I decided to get online to see what was going on. The strange thing was I had seen some movies that used masturbation humor. I felt obligated to laugh when I heard these jokes, since everyone else around me was laughing. Quite frankly, though, I had no idea what masturbation was, and I had no idea why everyone thought it was so funny. I got on a search engine, typed in "masturbation," and off I went.
Long and fruitful
Although I am only 14, I pride myself in my long and fruitful masturbation life. I first discovered masturbation when I was only 10. Bracing my penis on my stomach, I used to do it by taking my index and middle finger and rubbing vigorously until I orgasmed. (Of course, nothing came out.) When I discovered the cool feeling that resulted, I rushed to tell all my friends how to do it. They went home and tried it, and all came back to 4th grade thanking me deeply. In 4th grade, I kept up the habit a solid 3 times a day.
Erotic research
I am a heterosexual Caucasian male living in Upstate New York. I discovered masturbation accidentally. Around age 12, when my penis began to grow, my erections became more frequent and started to capture my attention. I initially wasn't concerned about my penis size; I was in the early stages of exploring my sexuality. I would stare in the mirror with my penis erect at a right angle to my body, just admiring the beauty of the whole experience. My erections were very hard, but they were still only about 4 inches.
New hobby
About 6 years ago, at the age of 12, I discovered the many joys of masturbation. It was a regular night, and I retired to the bathroom to take a bath before I went to bed. I liked to take long baths; sometimes I would even read in the bathtub, but most of the time I just relaxed and let my mind wander. I retracted my foreskin, as my father had instructed, to wash my penis and prevent infection. This time the feeling I had was unlike any other — somewhere between an unscratchable itch and a pleasant tickle. I continued to do this, and the odd sensation became stronger, and more pleasurable.
Dad's video
I grew up in a cool family. I'm the eldest in our only-boys family, and that the fact that we have no sisters makes us aware that we have nothing to hide from each other — we all have penises, and we know for a fact that we all masturbate. That's probably why we give each other enough privacy to do whatever we want to do.