It all started in 2nd grade, at around age 9. Somehow, I got a hold of two "Dizzy Drollers," as they were called — cute little psychedelic-colored pens, which an ordinary kid would have used to draw jaggy red or blue lines on a piece of paper. In retrospect, the small vibrating phallic-shaped "pens" could be easily called and sold as vibrators, if it weren't for the coloring tip (which was removable, by the way). It didn't take me long to get bored by the seemingly random lines it created, so I started looking for other ways to use it. A couple of days later, I was as happy as a 9-year-old kid could be, having found out this cute little Dizzy Droller could be used as a massager! I kept massaging myself from head to toe (but no, not yet where you think), emptying about a dozen batteries in one week.
Now, what does a 9-year-old kid do when he knows something other kids don't? He brags about it! I called up a friend of mine (let's call him Joe), and a short while later he was at my house, watching me show off my new "Dizzy Droller Massager."
I guess I owe Joe all those happy years of masturbation since, because on that very day, he showed me something — and it would change my view of that toy forever. We were using it under the armpits and any other "funny" part we could think of, and eventually that led to a visit...there. At first, I was totally shocked — I couldn't believe Joe would use the Dizzy Droller to massage his private parts. Everybody knew it was "dirty" to even touch "it" outside the toilet. As fate would have it, Joe's parents had come to take him home, and I was left in my room with the Dizzy Droller and that shocking idea.
It took me a couple of days, but finally, I tried it. I was in my room, my parents were out, and I turned on the vibration. Once again, I was shocked. Normally, holding the pen against a certain part of the body only caused it to grow numb. But this time, I kept feeling...better...I can't quite describe it. And then, after a couple of minutes, I suddenly felt such astrong feeling....
Needless to say, I was hooked. I don't think I considered it something "dirty" — but even so, it was something I didn't feel other people should know about. So I didn't talk about it with my friends, and always told my mother I was going to take a nap, when I was in fact using it to, well, masturbate.
I felt fate's hand again about a year of happy masturbating later, when unfortunately the Dizzy Droller broke. I guess it wasn't designed to be used 4-6 times a day as a massager. By that time, which was about at age 11, I found out using my hand to vibrate my penis would cause the same sensations, only it would suddenly swell a bit and turn red. I was so scared about hurting myself (I connected the swelling with being hurt, at least at the beginning) that I totally stopped masturbating until I was about 14.
I don't remember exactly how, but in the 7th or 8th grade, I learned about "j**king off", and understood that the swelling was not caused by hurt but by blood flowing into the penis as a result of sexual feelings. So I once again started the habit of shaking my penis until "The Feeling" came. At about that time I started seeing spots in my pants after having masturbated, but I didn't give it much thought.
That shaking motion is one of the less enjoyable dry-masturbation techniques — although it does provide for a long session, since there isn't a lot of friction of the glans. I used the technique all the way until last year. Why until last year? Well, last winter I arrived at JackinWorld, a site full of techniques and articles surrounding the subject of masturbation. Today, I have totally stopped using dry masturbation techniques, because let's face it — lube is great! My favorite technique today is the "Stop & Go," using Aloe Vera as a lube. This stuff is so slippery and lasts so long, it can be called the Uber-Lube. It's also water-based, which means it can be wiped away with some tissue, leaving no trace but a good, clean smell. I have noticed that my masturbation frequency varies according to how tired I am. It normally lies between 2 and 9 times a week — 1 to 4 when I'm tired, 5 to 9 when I'm not.
Well, that's about all I have to say about this great universal hobby we all have learned to love. Years of joy to you all out there!
- age 18, Israel
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Dizzy Drollers