I first discovered masturbation when I was about 10, almost 11. I lived in a small town with not a lot to do, and I had one friend who was 14 or 15 at the time (can't remember for sure). Anyway he would come over and we would play super Nintendo or screw around or anything. One time he brought over a porn video and asked if I wanted to watch it, so I said, sure -- why not? So we did, and he asked if he could play with his penis. I said go for it. He told me to do it too, and I asked how, and he told me to just rub my penis. So I did.
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24 times in 24 hours
I masturbated to orgasm for the first time in July 1987. I was 12 years old. I was washing the small amount of pubic hair I had, and noticed that my penis began to get erect. I rubbed my penis with soap using a "two hands praying" method, and it felt very different from how I had remembered it feeling just a few months earlier. Soon I felt my penis becoming very sensitive -- almost ticklish. It felt like I was going to urinate, but more intense. Since I was in the shower anyway, I wasn't that concerned if I did actually did urinate, so I kept rubbing myself.
Batter up
It seems like yesterday, but actually it was years ago. I was in 5th grade, and a classmate of mine and another guy and myself were walking around the baseball field at recess far from everyone else. My friend asked us, "You guys ever beat your meat?" I had no idea what he was talking about. I just looked at him and said, "Huh?" He said, "You know, play with your d*ck." My friend and I said no, and he went on to explain how to do it. He said you go into the bathroom and get into the shower, take a shower as usual do, and then you take the soap and rub it in your hands until they are white.
Sage advice
I'm not sure exactly how old I was when I first started masturbating -- either 11 or 12 -- but I know I was curious about my body, other people's bodies, and sexuality from a very young age. At age 7 I remember lying in bed, pulling down my pants, and holding up my erection to look at it. There was no stroking, no sexual feelings at all -- just curiosity and amazement. At the same age, I became fascinated with the female body, having seen some female nudity in movies with the help of my older brother, and wanted to know what they had in their pants.
Jilling off
I can barely remember exactly when I started masturbating, but my earliest recollections are from age 7 or 8, when I would lie on my stomach and press my penis into my cupped hands and thrust. For years I did this and got a "release," but with no ejaculation. I did not know or care, though; I still got an overwhelming feeling of satisfaction from it. My mother might have noticed the wrinkles in my pajamas right at the crotch, where I had been squeezing the flannel, but she never really said anything.
Close cousins
For as long as I can remember, I had always been scared of masturbation. I thought it was morally wrong and disgusting to play with yourself, and plus, I was always scared of getting caught. But then I discovered JackinWorld merely by chance one day and learned it's okay to relieve yourself every once in a while if you need to.
Tossing off in the fort
I was about 9 years old when first told and shown about "tossing off" [British slang] by a friend behind the cricket sight-screen at a sports complex that included the tennis courts where both our parents played. He was a year older than I was, and I could not believe what he told me. He also told me babies came out of their mother's tummies. Yuck!
Safe self-torture
At age 10 I liked to take off all my clothes and make up imaginary stories, fake video games, if you will, that would involve unexplainable acts of "self torture" (nothing painful) and a variety of different places to sit while nude. This went on for a few months. I then discovered that my penis was craving to be touched while I did these acts. I did so starting at about the age of 10 1/2, but didn't do much more. The touch felt good, but I knew a small part was missing.
Technique tryin'
I am 15 and very excited there is such a site as JackinWorld. The first time I ever masturbated (of course that's not what I knew it as), I was 7 or 8 years old. It happened when one of my friends who was the same age came over and showed me how he touched himself and said that it felt good -- so I had to do it, too. Although we never touched each other, it was still fun. From then on I used the regular "Fist" hand grip with spit as a lube. I did this until I was 9, and then I started to masturbate in the shower using soap or shampoo, which I know now is not good for you.
Freestyle Gazelle
I first discovered masturbation when I was about 12 years old. I was channel-surfing in my bed and found an infomercial, and it had some really pretty women in it, so I pulled down my pants and started rubbing because it felt good. I had no idea what was going to happen. When I reached orgasm I was, at first, scared and shocked. After I realized that it *felt good* I kept going and finished the orgasm. I didn't feel the semen on my stomach, so when I pulled up my pants, I made a huge mess everywhere!