I first discovered masturbation when I was about 10, almost 11. I lived in a small town with not a lot to do, and I had one friend who was 14 or 15 at the time (can't remember for sure). Anyway he would come over and we would play super Nintendo or screw around or anything. One time he brought over a porn video and asked if I wanted to watch it, so I said, sure -- why not? So we did, and he asked if he could play with his penis. I said go for it. He told me to do it too, and I asked how, and he told me to just rub my penis. So I did. Then every time he came over we would do that -- sometimes with a movie and sometimes without -- but we never did anything to each other. It was summer, so we did this almost every day.
One day when he wasn't over I decided to try it myself. I was sitting on the corner of my bunk bed, and for some reason I started to stroke my penis. I was buck naked, by the way. I remember I could hold my penis with only my top fingers because it was so small. I kept going for like 2 minutes, and then I had this weird feeling rush over me. It felt like I could feel my blood running through my veins. I knew right away I wanted that feeling again -- it was great. I told my friend about it and asked him if we were masturbating -- and he told me no, just playing. I didn't want to masturbate because I believed in the taboo put on it at the time. I've since realized that feeling was my first orgasm, and that I was masturbating and it was an okay thing to do.
That's how I started, but I've had many other interesting things happen to me on my road of masturbation. I'm a Catholic boy and go to a Catholic school, so I was really "personal" and hush-hush about what I did by myself. I also felt bad and wanted to quit at times, but couldn't -- it was just too much fun and felt too good. In the summer after 7th grade I had a good friend who was my age, and we watched some dirty movies together my brother gave me. We started to talk about masturbation, and we ended up admitting it to each other. I asked if he would mind if I masturbated, and he said go for it -- and for like 2 years every weekend we masturbated together but covered up -- it was kewl. Then we kinda stopped being friends. We're starting to be friends again now, so who knows where it will go this time.
Just last year I started to masturbate with another friend. We whip it out and watch each other masturbate and have only now thought of mutual masturbation. It could be kewl. But before I talked to this kid about it, I talked to my best friend about doing it. He said he didn't want to, but thankfully it didn't hurt our friendship too badly. All of my friends are open about masturbation and we talk about it, but I only do it with this one friend and I want to have more friends involved.
I currently masturbate about 3 times a day, especially during the summer.
Do you find yourself masturbating more often during some seasons than others? Why?
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Hush hush