I discovered masturbation at age 15, which I suppose is quite late. My friends in school were increasingly talking about "wanking," and through these conversations (and the hand-actions) I learned what it was all about but had never actually tried it myself. One night I was feeling particularly horny, so gave it a go, using the simple "fist" method that most people start with. It felt better than I had expected. However, when the orgasm came, I didn't know what was happening, and I suddenly realized I was ejaculating and had nothing to catch it in.
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Trouble in study hall
I was a tender young farm boy who attended a small town consolidated high school in the '50s. The study hall for the school was actually a former church. The main room had shelves around the sides and tables with plenty of chairs around the room. If you misbehaved, you were sent into one of two corner rooms that were on each side of the former entrance to the church. These rooms had windows from the desk top level to the ceiling, so you could sit at the counter and study and your lower body would not be visible to the study hall proctor. There was already one boy in the room.
The penis game
I was exposed to masturbation at a very young age. I started doing it when I was 8, but back then I had no idea what I was doing. I just remember humping the couch and having this incredible feeling come over me every time I did it. I didn't know what it was called; I just referred to it as "the penis game." My religious parents would sometimes catch me doing it and warned me against it, not because they thought it was immoral, but because they thought I was too young to be exposed to sex.
Paper trail
My first recollection of my own sexuality is about 5th grade or so. I remember having some sort of sore muscle in my arm or back, so I went to get the electronic back massager we had. I was sitting on my bed using this when it occurred to me for some reason I shall never know: "I wonder what this would feel like on my penis?" Not being one to wonder for long, I put it down there, and it felt good — so I decided to leave it there. After a few minutes, everything began to tense up and I didn't know if it was hurting or feeling good, but I left it there, and finally, I had my first orgasm.
When I was about 10 my brother (a year and a half older) and I went into the woods near home and saw a neighbor kid of 17 or 18 who was sitting under a little tree hut we had built. It was actually on his folks' land but a long way from his house, and I didn't think he even knew it was there. He had his pants down and was stroking what to me looked like a huge joint, compared to my little weenie. I'd never even seen an erection before or pubic hair but was intrigued. A better word today would be turned on, but I didn't know that then. When he ejaculated all over, I was mesmerized.
Glory Hole
I learned how to masturbate at age 11, during the summer of 1990 (I am currently 23). The interesting thing about my discovery is that at that same time, I was also discovering that I was "different." Years later would realize "different" meant I was gay.
My good feeling
The first I can remember receiving pleasure from touching myself was when I was a young boy, probably around age 5 or so. Saturday and Sunday mornings were always quiet around the house, as the older people recuperated from the week, and I was allowed to lounge around in my PJs and watch cartoons in the den. Usually I was alone, and I can remember idly playing with my penis with my hand down in my pants.
The canyon
I have had many years of enjoying masturbation since I was introduced to the miracle at age 9. I shared a room with an older brother who wanted the freedom to masturbate anytime he wanted, so he showed me what "the big boys" do. Of course I didn't wait until I was one of them. Suddenly, the little erections I was having made sense to me, and I began to enjoy the miracle many times a day.
New urine
I remember my first orgasm as clearly as if it happened a moment ago. It was a momentous event and I had absolutely no idea what had happened. Obviously I must have been masturbating long before I could orgasm, which was also long before there was an Internet or JackinWorld or even widely available pornography. I can say without a shadow of doubt I masturbated, because it felt good even before I could orgasm.
Bidet on business
I remember playing "doctor" with a neighbor girl as early as age 5. This excited me a great deal, and it felt good for her (or me) to rub my erection. (I think I have always had erections). But I never got to an orgasm from it.