I discovered masturbation at age 15, which I suppose is quite late. My friends in school were increasingly talking about "wanking," and through these conversations (and the hand-actions) I learned what it was all about but had never actually tried it myself. One night I was feeling particularly horny, so gave it a go, using the simple "fist" method that most people start with. It felt better than I had expected. However, when the orgasm came, I didn't know what was happening, and I suddenly realized I was ejaculating and had nothing to catch it in. I ran from my bedroom to the bathroom with my trousers around my knees and semen squirting into my cupped hands. All my family were in the house, and I was lucky I wasn't seen. From then on, I knew what to expect and made sure I was prepared with tissues!
In the first few months, I could hardly stop masturbating. I couldn't believe that I'd been missing out on such a great feeling. I masturbated at every opportunity. I quickly found that masturbating in the shower was an easy option. No one would knock on the door to ask me why I was taking so long, because I was clearly having a shower! Plus, the semen could be washed away down the drain with no need for the tiresome cleanup. I masturbated every time I had a shower — so much so that I had to stop taking showers at the gym because I would get an instant erection. Even just undressing could bring one on, so I had to change very quickly when I was swimming.
I made a point of masturbating in every hotel that I visited while on holiday with my parents. I liked the idea of leaving a little bit of me in Venice, Rome, Paris, Berlin, and other cities all over Europe.
Although I was masturbating frequently and my friends were talking about it, I never masturbated with a friend. I would be curious to have that new experience, but I think in reality I would be too shy actually do it. I am an only child so have not had a brother to share these experiences with — something I'm often sorry about. My family are very private when it comes to sexual matters, and I have never discussed sex or masturbation with any of them. I don't think my parents even know that I have ever masturbated.
I masturbated a lot around the time of school exams at ages 16 and 18. I still find it a very useful way to relax and blow off steam. I often masturbate after a hard day's work to calm myself down. In university, I had my own room, so masturbation was easy. Since then I have tried not to masturbate in the shower and thereby weaken the association in my mind, allowing me to use communal showers at the gym without getting an erection.
I now have a girlfriend whom I share everything with. We are very careful not to do anything that could cause pregnancy, so we do not have penetrative sex. Instead, we masturbate each other, sometimes taking it in turns and sometimes at the same time. We also masturbate by rubbing our genitals together while I wear a condom. We are very happy with this state of affairs, and she gains as much pleasure from it as I do. I still masturbate on my own occasionally, if I am feeling particularly frustrated, stressed, or horny. I am quite open about this with my girlfriend, and she jokes about it with me. She has watched me masturbate many times, although this usually turns her on and it becomes a mutual masturbation session.
Like most British men I am not circumcised, and I think this probably helps retain the sensitivity of the glans, making sex (on my own and with other people) more enjoyable. Of course, I don't have anything to compare my experiences with, so I could be wrong. I have always used a simple "fist" method, although I would sometimes lie on my bed on my stomach and rub my penis against the bedclothes in a simulated sex action. Until I discovered JackinWorld, I never really considered varying my technique. In the last couple of years, however, I have tried several of the positions featured here (I particularly enjoy the "backhand" grip) and try some of the more adventurous methods when I have time for a long session. However, masturbation for me is usually a quick relief with very little planning. Masturbation is not central to my life, but rather an enjoyable hobby.
Do you find yourself masturbating more often during some seasons than others? Why?
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Cupped hands