I learned how to masturbate at age 11, during the summer of 1990 (I am currently 23). The interesting thing about my discovery is that at that same time, I was also discovering that I was "different." Years later would realize "different" meant I was gay.
That summer I was staying at a local beach with my family, and I had somehow noticed that in one of the public restrooms in the beach center, there was a stall with a small hole that allowed you to see into the next stall. I was curious about this hole, though I did not know why. One time I was there, I saw a guy in the next stall masturbating, though at that age I had no idea what he was doing — just that he was moving his hand up and down his penis. I tried to imitate what he was doing, and in that process had my first orgasm and ejaculation, though I still had no idea what was going on. Even though it was a bit scary at first, from that day on I continued to masturbate every day, realizing the more I did it how good it felt. I was alarmed at first, though, when my penis seemed to be a bit disfigured (wider at the upper end) from masturbating, but this went away after a few months. I did it in the bathroom, in my bed, wherever I could. It probably wasn't until age 13 that I realized that what I was doing was "masturbating."
When I was 15 I had a friend who talked openly about masturbating. He said he did it every day, like me. (By this age I was probably doing it 2 or 3 times a day.) We talked about where we did it, our techniques, and all that good stuff. It felt great to finally talk about it with someone. Inside, though, I knew I was secretly wishing that I could masturbate with him, or that I could watch him masturbate. I was still in denial about being gay, but knew that I fantasized about boys all the time. There actually was one time that I did get to see him masturbate, because there was a key hole looking into his bathroom, and I knew he did it in the shower. I definitely incorporated my visions of him into my fantasies for quite a while after that experience.
I eventually came out of the closet at age 16, and I found plenty of gay people who were comfortable talking about masturbating, which was great. On the flipside, I was 17 when I started college and shared a room with a straight roommate. I knew right off the bat that I wanted to bring up the topic with him, because I had never shared a room with anyone before, and I had always masturbated when I went to bed at night and didn't plan on stopping. I told him all this, and he was cool about it. He said he would probably do it in the shower, but he didn't care if I did it as long as I wasn't too loud or anything. (I could respect that, even though it was hard, since I am very vocal when I orgasm.) There actually was one time that I did hear him masturbating late at night, when he thought I was asleep, which was a big turn-on for me of course.
At age 23, I still masturbate at least once a day, 2 or 3 times on a good day. Having an orgasm is still the greatest feeling in the world to me, and it's such a great stress reliever after a long day at work. I have tried many of the techniques on JackinWorld, but still find the standard pumping-up-and-down-with-my-right-hand to be my favorite method. I hope some of the younger readers out there will read this and realize that they are not alone, and that mastubating is a completely natural and wonderful experience.
Do you find yourself masturbating more often during some seasons than others? Why?
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