A masturbation biography, what an odd concept. I think I first masturbated when I was 12 years old. I was in a public toilet of all places, and I was trying to go but my penis just wouldn't go down! As I was rubbing my hand against it, I realized that it felt good, and my life of masturbation had begun.
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Planes, Trains, Automobiles
Father-mother play
I have been masturbating regularly for the last 42 years, except for the one-year period immediately after my marriage.
National Geographic
Masturbation has been an integral part of my life for as long as I can remember. I started masturbating when I was quite young, around age 6 or 7 — although at the time, I wasn't specifically aware of what I was doing. On our school playground were several horizontal bars that kids would straddle and twirl around in circles. With my crotch pressed against the bar I found it quite stimulating.
Charlie horse
Just as a young teen may remember his first home run or his first choir solo, I remember my first solo with my sexuality. It's definitely something that will always be with me. I was in 7th grade at the time, and I was fantasizing about a new friend I had made. Actually, fantasy was only part of the act — I was also occasionally glancing at a Baywatch episode. At this time I was almost completely straight, and the firm breasts really did it for me. I had been getting erections since I could remember, but by this time I knew that I was capable of much more.
The penis game
I was exposed to masturbation at a very young age. I started doing it when I was 8, but back then I had no idea what I was doing. I just remember humping the couch and having this incredible feeling come over me every time I did it. I didn't know what it was called; I just referred to it as "the penis game." My religious parents would sometimes catch me doing it and warned me against it, not because they thought it was immoral, but because they thought I was too young to be exposed to sex.
Paper trail
My first recollection of my own sexuality is about 5th grade or so. I remember having some sort of sore muscle in my arm or back, so I went to get the electronic back massager we had. I was sitting on my bed using this when it occurred to me for some reason I shall never know: "I wonder what this would feel like on my penis?" Not being one to wonder for long, I put it down there, and it felt good — so I decided to leave it there. After a few minutes, everything began to tense up and I didn't know if it was hurting or feeling good, but I left it there, and finally, I had my first orgasm.
Gym class camaraderie
I began masturbating just before my 12th birthday. I learned it by accident. I had been watching a movie with my older brother, and it had a sex scene. I was watching intently when I heard my brother moan quietly. I glanced at him just as he was removing his hand from his pants. I asked him what he was doing and he said we would talk later that night when we went to bed. Because he was two years older than I was, he got to stay up an hour later than me.
Tryst at a motel
One year while on a family vacation I had an experience I thought you might like to hear about. It was a turning point that I think has affected my entire masturbatory sex life. I am now 37 years old and enjoy a great solo sex life without guilt.
My individual discovery of masturbation has been an absolute godsend to me. I come from a great family — very Irish Catholic, and not very talkative on the sexual front, but nevertheless a terrific family. However, a lot of things — in fact, 99.9% of the things I know about sex — came from my own "research," if you will. That research started with surreptitiously sneaking Playboy, Penthouse, and Hustler magazines into my house, reading them in the bathroom or bedroom, and masturbating like a maniac.
Going to Antarctica
I am 20 years old, and it has been a long journey to be as comfortable with masturbation as I am now. My life and masturbation crossed paths when I was 12. My mother had dropped off some books, about all the changes to expect in my body, STDs, and all that fun stuff. I was reading them thoroughly, always hiding because I didn't want her to know I was reading them.