My individual discovery of masturbation has been an absolute godsend to me. I come from a great family — very Irish Catholic, and not very talkative on the sexual front, but nevertheless a terrific family. However, a lot of things — in fact, 99.9% of the things I know about sex — came from my own "research," if you will. That research started with surreptitiously sneaking Playboy, Penthouse, and Hustler magazines into my house, reading them in the bathroom or bedroom, and masturbating like a maniac. It sounds weird, but when I smell my semen now, it takes me back to those exciting days when I was discovering my own solo sex life.
My first masturbation experience goes back to warm spring evening when I was about 13. I was reading the sexy parts of Catch-22. Well, for a 13-year-old they were sexy, and the book gave me had a raging erection. Now, I had danced with this mysterious thing called an erection for about two years by then. It just kind of sprang up on me, and no one really clued me in to what the hell was going on with my body. I had older brothers, and they didn't seem to get worked up about it when they saw me sporting a wood when a pretty girl would walk by me. Anyway, when I got in the shower that night, I had this erection that would not go down or be denied. I don't know what came over me, but something inspired me to take my penis in hand and stroke it. I mean, this thing was as hard as a stone, and I had never even thought of doing this before that moment. Immediately my body began to tense and shake, and I felt hot all over my body. After what seemed like a few minutes of stroking, this rigid shaft — which almost didn't seem to be a part of me — released what seemed like a huge gush of semen from the tip, and it kept spurting several more times. It burned and felt fantastic at the same time. I literally did not know what happened to me, but I didn't say a thing to anyone. I was oddly feeling guilty — for what, I don't know — and yet, I was incredibly excited. I felt like I had discovered the atom bomb of pleasure. I couldn't wait to masturbate again.
As it was, I didn't have time until a few days later. This time it was early in the morning. I couldn't sleep because my penis was throbbing, looking for some serious release. So I got up early with a major erection and took a shower. This time I was afraid to do it in the shower, for fear my parents might hear me. Instead I came out of the shower wearing a towel, went into my room, locked the door, and started reading any book I could find with sexy parts to it. Again, I think Catch-22 fit the need. I remember sitting there my waist wrapped in a towel, massaging my aching penis through the towel, and reading. The pressure built, and it finally erupted into the towel. I think that was my first real orgasm. The first time was just blowing out the pipes, but this time I moaned like I couldn't believe, and my penis kept spasming into the towel. The smell of my semen kept feeding my lust. I used that towel as a lube to massage my still-raring-to-go penis to another, much softer, orgasm about 20 minutes later. I'll never forget the completely satisfying ache my penis possessed. I fell asleep shortly thereafter. I was totally hooked on self-pleasure. Since then I have learned to enjoy the true beauty of masturbation. When my mind and spirit are out of whack, I masturbate — and I usually seem to have a better attitude about my life and its problems afterwards.
My first sexual relationships with girls were very masturbation-oriented. My girlfriends and I didn't want to risk pregnancy, so mutual masturbation was our outlet. I look back at those days not with any type of frustration that we didn't "go all the way," but rather that I was able to give and receive sexual pleasure (in the form of orgasms) without worrying about an unwanted pregnancy. Plus, I learned what areas on a woman were the best to touch.
I still masturbate frequently, usually during my morning shower. There aren't a lot of better ways to begin a day than with a self-induced orgasm. Now as a husband and a father of 3, I hope I'll be able to coach my kids through the tough times of puberty and to help them view masturbation as a gift to be used often and appreciated in its totality of mind, body, and spiritual benefits. It's definitely not something to feel guilty about, and it can become a real talent one can enjoy personally and share with those they love. I don't want to sound like Deepak Chopra, but when you're in throes of a tremendously beautiful orgasm — be it alone or with someone else — you have to believe that only a God could create such a wonderful capacity in us for happiness and pleasure. Well, that's my deep thought for the day. I've been masturbating for over 27 years now, and I can't see why I'd ever stop. It truly is a great way to enjoy life.
Do you find yourself masturbating more often during some seasons than others? Why?
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