I'm a late-40s male who has been married over 20 years and masturbated for about 35. Though I can honestly say I am above average in looks, I have always far preferred my private pleasures to the anxiety and uncertainties of searching out partners for casual sex. While I'd classify myself as being on the straight side of Kinsey's 7-point scale, marriage never slowed down my masturbation fun — it just added another type of regular sex. I do enjoy my left hand: It's always there for me. I don't have to worry about its moods, or about adequate foreplay or premature ejaculation.
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mutual masturbation
St. Charles' Place
I finished my Biography with a promise to tell about the first time I masturbated with someone else. I didn't think it would take me so long to get around to it, but here it is -- finally!
Doctor's orders
A biography of my life as masturbator, huh? Well, I started at a very young age. I have my older brother (by three years), and his friends, to thank for that. I was about 9 or 10 and, of course, I looked up to my brother and wherever he went, that's where I wanted to be. He wasn't too thrilled by my always wanting to tag along. One summer day he and a couple of his friends decided to take a hike. Known as the Golden Stairs, the light brown, shale-bottomed creek stepped down and down into a canyon until it dumped into a pond. The area was heavily wooded and was very secluded.
Boner, James Boner
This is one of the most bizarre things I've ever done, but I'd like to give it a try. I've read some of the other Biographies, and found them interesting, so I thought other people may be interested in mine.
I'm 19 now, so I don't have a particularly long history, but that's not to say I haven't had sufficient experience!
Hush hush
I first discovered masturbation when I was about 10, almost 11. I lived in a small town with not a lot to do, and I had one friend who was 14 or 15 at the time (can't remember for sure). Anyway he would come over and we would play super Nintendo or screw around or anything. One time he brought over a porn video and asked if I wanted to watch it, so I said, sure -- why not? So we did, and he asked if he could play with his penis. I said go for it. He told me to do it too, and I asked how, and he told me to just rub my penis. So I did.
Close cousins
For as long as I can remember, I had always been scared of masturbation. I thought it was morally wrong and disgusting to play with yourself, and plus, I was always scared of getting caught. But then I discovered JackinWorld merely by chance one day and learned it's okay to relieve yourself every once in a while if you need to.
Safe self-torture
At age 10 I liked to take off all my clothes and make up imaginary stories, fake video games, if you will, that would involve unexplainable acts of "self torture" (nothing painful) and a variety of different places to sit while nude. This went on for a few months. I then discovered that my penis was craving to be touched while I did these acts. I did so starting at about the age of 10 1/2, but didn't do much more. The touch felt good, but I knew a small part was missing.
Insanity and/or blindness
I am 54 years old. As best as I can remember, I started masturbating at age 12. My father had told me that masturbating would cause insanity and/or blindness. I had been introduced to sex around that time by my cousins who were near my age. I remember how good it felt entering a woman and how hard my penis was. My first ejaculation was a surprise. My female cousin stopped having intercourse with me and her brother, and I wanted that feeling of ejaculation again. After that, it seems I was always playing with myself.
Ignored alarm
I'm 22 and from Wisconsin. I began masturbating just before my 12th birthday. Within a few weeks I experienced my first ejaculation. Not knowing what it was, I was alarmed and stopped masturbating for several days -- but soon the urge was too great and I resumed, without much care.