I'm a 17-year-old male, and I've been masturbating since I was 13 years old. I do very well in school — I get straight A's and B's. We live in a small town in southern British Columbia, Canada. My parents are cool. I have awesome parents now. However, it wasn't always that way.
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mutual masturbation
Parents coming to terms
Penis guitar
I first learned about "playing with myself" when I was 6 or 7 years old. Before that I had always "played with myself" like any young boy does, but I had never really thought about it. Then one day I started thinking about it. I was at my best friend's house, and we were playing hide-and-seek with his neighbor. We bored of it, so we hid in his woodshed and locked the door. The neighbor soon tired of looking and went back to his house.
Couch car
To begin with, I am a 16-year-old male, so I haven't got much to tell. I'm sure my parents must know I masturbate, because they joke around with me about masturbation and the myths and call me names, and I think it's a good thing they know. I'm sure my dad, uncles, and male cousins have masturbated before. So I feel no shame, embarrassment, or guilt in masturbating.
Scrambled porn
I remember the first time I discovered masturbation. I was 11 or 12. I remember lying on the floor doing my spelling homework, and for some odd reason or another, I just started to rub my penis on the floor. It started to feel really good, so I continued doing it. Then suddenly, this explosive feeling swept over me from my head all the way down to my toes. It felt great — like nothing I had ever felt before.
New hobby
About 6 years ago, at the age of 12, I discovered the many joys of masturbation. It was a regular night, and I retired to the bathroom to take a bath before I went to bed. I liked to take long baths; sometimes I would even read in the bathtub, but most of the time I just relaxed and let my mind wander. I retracted my foreskin, as my father had instructed, to wash my penis and prevent infection. This time the feeling I had was unlike any other — somewhere between an unscratchable itch and a pleasant tickle. I continued to do this, and the odd sensation became stronger, and more pleasurable.
In tune
I've masturbated almost as long as I can remember. I am now 30 years old. As a small child before I went to school, I remember getting behind a chair in the living room and playing with my erect penis. It just felt so good to rub it with my hands. I don't ever recall having dry orgasms, but I did enjoy it — although I had no idea what I was doing! There were lots of girls in my neighborhood. I vividly remember a number of occasions before second grade where I would hide away with one of the neighbor girls, and we would show each other our genitals.
Masturbation has been an important part of my life since I was a small child. Now I am a happily married husband and father of 3 great kids. I have a normal sex life with my wife, but I still cherish my love life with myself through masturbation — usually once a day, but sometimes twice. I also cherish the memories of my masturbation experiences through the years.
Wanks for the memory
This is a shameless account of the masturbatory experiences of a man who has masturbated regularly since he was 14 and who now, as he approaches 60, considers masturbation to be one of the most enjoyable sexual experiences of all and an art in its own right.
The here and now
Since I am in my early 80s my masturbation history, while long and eventful, is to my profound regret no more.
Tennis anyone?
I am a 24-year-old woman. My first masturbation experience occurred when I was 11 or 12. It was mutual masturbation with a male friend of mine. He was the same age, and when I think of it now I realize it could be construed as something entirely different — but at the time it was purely innocent exploration. We were having a sleepover, and we kids were put in the living room in sleeping bags for the night. I was lying awake after the younger children had gone to sleep, when he asked me if I would touch his penis.