Prior to beginning my life of masturbation, I had discovered my father's stash of "dirty" magazines. This was probably around age 10. I knew that I enjoyed looking at the pictures of nude women (more for intrigue than anything else at that point), but at the time, I didn't know what masturbation was, nor did I ever think about touching myself. My mother caught me looking at the magazines once and told me not to look at them. However, she didn't mention anything about sex or masturbation, not then and not ever.
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Body vs. machine
Pregnant socks
I am proud to say that I am a Southern Baptist deacon, and I feel that similar input from other men of faith would be good for your site.
Under a poncho
As a youth my penis was something I used to pee out of. Yes, there were times, especially when taking a bath, when I would look at and play with it. While taking the bath I found that I could make it move by using what I now believe was my PC muscle. No big deal.
The landlady
I am now in my late 50s. As a very shy, timid, and withdrawn boy, with no confidence in my soft, thin body, the other boys' fun and games (playing with each other naked) after "lights out" in the school dormitory didn't interest me — not even their pants of excitement and giggles of pleasure ("ooh! that feels nice!"). We were 9 or 10 years old then. I never saw my penis erect until my first ejaculation when I was 12.
Lose fluid from the brain
The first time that I recall masturbating was when I was about 4 years old. We were visiting with friends and I was sent upstairs to take a bath since it was nearly bedtime. I finished my bath and let the water run out. I noticed that I had an erection, which meant nothing to me at the time. But I put my hand on it and liked the sensation. I am uncircumcised, so I started examining my foreskin. I discovered it felt good when I pulled it back, so I started moving it back and forth. I guess I must have been so caught up in the moment and the pleasure that I kept on doing it for a long time.
Enervated mass of ectoplasm
I am now 59 years old, so I have a few miles, so to speak, on some of the other members. I have always found masturbation to be more intensely pleasurable and physically satisfying than sex with another person. I have been married for 24 years, and sex with my wife is socially and personally satisfying, but it does not compare to masturbation in terms of shear physical pleasure. We have talked honestly about this so that she does not feel rejected when I masturbate.
Cold hip bath
I'm 74 years old. Several years ago I came across JackinWorld. If only this information had been available when I was growing up. All you readers, particularly you younger ones, are extremely fortunate to have such a special Web site, which provides important, sought after information.
Father-mother play
I have been masturbating regularly for the last 42 years, except for the one-year period immediately after my marriage.
Birds and bees
I first discovered masturbation when I was 13 1/2. It was at the end of a summer during which I had many hours of privacy in the house. I was extremely naive as a child, rather protected, and hadn't had any instructions or hints from my friends or older brother about sex. In our family sexual things were never discussed, so it isn't surprising that my older brother hadn't said anything. My mother had given me a "birds and bees" book to read, but it was so obscure it didn't answer anything. It just made me more confused.
National Geographic
Masturbation has been an integral part of my life for as long as I can remember. I started masturbating when I was quite young, around age 6 or 7 — although at the time, I wasn't specifically aware of what I was doing. On our school playground were several horizontal bars that kids would straddle and twirl around in circles. With my crotch pressed against the bar I found it quite stimulating.