I am now 59 years old, so I have a few miles, so to speak, on some of the other members. I have always found masturbation to be more intensely pleasurable and physically satisfying than sex with another person. I have been married for 24 years, and sex with my wife is socially and personally satisfying, but it does not compare to masturbation in terms of shear physical pleasure. We have talked honestly about this so that she does not feel rejected when I masturbate. She has learned to give great hand jobs, and I have learned to reduce her to a quivering, simpering, enervated mass of ectoplasm with a good lip-whipping. But the distraction and stress of having to worry about her needs, and of my performance, inevitably reduces my pleasure.
Some of the other members have written about their first orgasms. I cannot remember mine. I remember lying on my back, when I was 11, rubbing the head of my penis against my thigh, enjoying the sensation. But I don't remember the first release. I suspect it was a weak and ill-defined event. I do recall believing, after I had gotten off a few times, that I had discovered something that no one else knew about. I spent considerable time thinking about the best way to inform the world. Then I enrolled in a boys' military school and found out the rest of the world was way ahead of me.
I was always very shy and embarrassed about masturbation. I remember a bunkmate I had while living in a large squad bay during my military service. People could hear him snorting and groaning in the next building. He put a lifetime of wear and tear on his bedsprings. I recall that he was from Brooklyn, New York. I could never understand how anyone could be so uninhibited, but then he was the first New Yorker I had known. I have since learned that it is impossible to embarrass people from New York.
Because of my shyness, I developed masturbation techniques that were very quiet. I have experimented and improved the techniques over the years and believe that they have provided me with the most profoundly satisfying climaxes. My experience is that the best sexual sensations are felt above the neck. We all use the quick "jerk and squirt" at times when we are horny and need some quick relief. But I am always disappointed in the result. I always feel like I wasted a good opportunity for some heart-stopping pleasure. I believe that the best orgasms are to be had by stimulating the penis as little as possible — by basing the orgasm on fantasy and not on physical stimulation.
As I recall, I started on the road to my techniques by masturbating on the toilet. I would form a cup with my dominant hand, fingertips gently and slowly stroking the frenulum, my thumb holding the penis in place. The combination of the gentle touch and the pressure of the toilet seat, through my thighs, and on my prostate produced a nice, gut-wrenching orgasm, intensely felt in my brain. It was during that period that I realized the lighter the touch, the more intense and satisfying the orgasm.
I put the principle to work by masturbating without rubbing my penis at all. I have used this technique most of my life. I would spend about an hour in a good fantasy with no stimulation. I would then lie on my back, grasp my penis shaft about two-thirds the way down with my dominant hand, pressing the skin of the shaft down hard against the base. That would stretch the glans skin very tight, and at the same time, put firm pressure on my prostate. That, by itself, produces a great feeling. But I have never been able to climax without some direct stimulation to the glans. If it were possible to do so, I think it would produce the ultimate orgasm.
My non-dominant hand would take the shape of an upside-down claw placed over the penis. My thumb would press against the top of the glans while three fingertips gently massage the frenulum; no rubbing, just a very light, undulating pressure. It takes some time to finish with this technique, and there is a constant temptation to cut the bullshit, give the mule a good hard flogging, and get to the promised land quickly. But it is important not to increase the pressure or stimulation before reaching the point of no return. At that point the dominant hand should press hard against the base of the penis, stretching the skin tight and putting as much pressure as possible on the prostate. The other hand should squeeze and massage the glans with as much pressure as is comfortable. The result is a hard, indescribable spasm that is concentrated at the very core of the brain.
This technique is satisfying for average run-of-the-mill relief and pleasure. But in my 30s, I refined it to produce an even better experience. But the refinement takes quite a lot of time, privacy, planning, and discipline. The first thing is to go as long as possible without a climax. Men know when they are there. When I was 35, my limit was about two days.
Next is to arrange a completely private and quiet environment where you know you will not be disturbed for at least 6 hours. Then spend two hours with erotica. Pornographic movies are okay, but I find that good erotic literature is more stimulating, possibly because it leaves a lot to the imagination and allows me to mold the story's unspoken parts to suit my own preferences. Most pornographic movies seem to be directed on the theory that the female must always get her hands in the way at the worst possible moment. And, American pornography is relentlessly mechanical: Every scene must go completely around the world with a squirt shot every six minutes. You can set your watch by it. I have seen pornographic movies in Europe, particularly in southern Italy, that are genuinely erotic. But they never seem to get into the United States. Worse, the American porn industry seems to be increasingly dominating the foreign markets, driving out any chance of creative competition.
Next, I would spend a couple of hours lying in bed in a quiet, dark room, letting my fantasies run wild — no physical stimulation at all. Finally, I would roll onto my back and gently grasp my penis in the middle of the shaft with my non-dominant hand's thumb and index finger. After four hours of concentrated dirty thoughts, Mr. Happy will be thoroughly wet. The only stimulation of my penis during masturbation would come from the tip of my dominant hand's index finger. Moistened at the tip of the penis, as gently as possible, I would rub just under the tip of my penis, between the hole and the frenulum, in a very slow, circular motion. The grasp of the non-dominant hand prevented the penis from jerking away from the teasing finger.
I would take me at least an hour to climax this way — the longer the better. This was where discipline came in. The very gentle rubbing must not change in tempo or pressure until the point of no return. A good, long teasing greatly enhances the orgasm. During the teasing the fantasies go on unabated. As described before, at the point of no return, the skin of the penis shaft should be pressed down hard against the base with one hand while the other firmly squeezes and massages the glans. Using this technique I sometimes came close to actually fainting from the intensity of the climax.
At age 55 I lost the ability to use these techniques. When I try now, there is a very weak and unsatisfying point of no return, no intense first spasm, and a very weak and short climax. The best I can do now is to lubricate the glans with talcum powder and have a good-old-fashioned pud-pounding.
I have been wondering when the medical industry is going to make electrical brain implants commercially available. I believe that the brain's pleasure centers are now well known. Researchers are able to make animals do anything for a tickle of current across the right synapses. In one experiment the pleasure center of a pigeon's brain was wired up and stimulated every time the pigeon pressed a lever. The pigeon starved because it would not stop pressing the lever long enough to eat. Poor pigeon — but what a way to go! It would seem that there may be no limit to the frequency and intensity of the orgasms that can be produced. Perhaps some of the other members know something about this subject.