I first discovered masturbation when I was 13 1/2. It was at the end of a summer during which I had many hours of privacy in the house. I was extremely naive as a child, rather protected, and hadn't had any instructions or hints from my friends or older brother about sex. In our family sexual things were never discussed, so it isn't surprising that my older brother hadn't said anything. My mother had given me a "birds and bees" book to read, but it was so obscure it didn't answer anything. It just made me more confused.
I was aware that my body was changing and that I had erections constantly. It was fascinating to me that this spongy little thing could get so hard that I couldn't possibly bend it! In the morning I couldn't urinate into the toilet until the erection went away. Once I was experimenting with a squirt gun to see if I could put liquid back into my bladder (!) and had a strange reaction in my penis that stopped me from trying that again. I think now that it must have been a "dry" orgasm.
But I kept trying other things with my penis, like putting it into toilet-paper tubes. One day when I was in the bathroom with the door locked, I became curious as to why my penis wasn't uniformly cylindrical, instead having a definite "bump" on the bottom just behind the frenulum. So I thought that maybe I could cause my penis to conform to my conception of what it should look like. To do this, I used two fingers to stroke the bulge into submission. Whoa! About 30 seconds later my penis started spitting semen. I was a little scared at what I had done, but curiosity got the best of me, and within a day or two I was finding new ways to make my penis ejaculate. Of course the pleasure was overwhelming. I remember it as a hot, burning sensation that started in my penis and quickly flooded my whole body. A year later I received an epinephrine (adrenalin) injection for a severe allergic reaction, and the way it spread through my body was almost like an orgasm.
I told a friend of mine (named Jack) that I discovered how to f*** myself (I didn't know any other phrase for what I had discovered) and told him how to do it. Within a few days he reported back to me that he had spent both Saturday and Sunday mornings in bed masturbating. He was my first degree of separation with the "in crowd" at school, and when school started again a few weeks later I heard them talking about "jacking off." I though they had named it after my friend Jack!
I suppose I masturbated every day during the 8th grade. I felt guilty about it (I was attending a Catholic grade school, and although what I was doing was never expressly described, I knew that the circumspect prohibitions of "impure actions" were aimed specifically at masturbation) but nothing could stop me from this wonderful sensation. I should have figured out that the prohibitions were bull, since the priests in confession never thought it was a big deal ("Say three Hail Marys").
The next year I started high school at an all-boys Catholic school. Within the first week a pedophile priest (he preyed on all the freshmen) cornered me in a supply closet, and under the guise of confession, questioned me about the techniques I used to masturbate and what I thought about while doing it. After I got him off my back I steered clear of him the rest of the year. I masturbated daily all through high school. It was an easy way to get to sleep if I was restless, and it was a great way to keep my erections under control (at least for an hour or so). I usually did it on the toilet, for easy cleanup. In bed I found that a used sock was an excellent receptacle for the mess. I never thought to use lubricant when in bed. My usual method was to lie on my stomach with both hands flat against my abdomen and crotch, and hump the mattress. I am amazed at the contributions on JackinWorld of people who have masturbated in class, in public restrooms, etc. I can remember only one occasion (a summer job in high school) when I was bored and masturbated in the deserted file room where I was working.
When I started dating I was masturbating as much as ever, if not more. But I always viewed it as "deviant." When my serious girlfriend and I got some privacy, initially we practiced "frottage" (rubbing against each other to orgasm) with clothes on. Eventually things got so hot that we started having intercourse. We never masturbated each other (and it was only after months of sexual activity that she gave me oral sex). Of course, she got pregnant. I think teenagers should experiment with mutual masturbation and oral sex if it can postpone them having intercourse. Intercourse is overrated, anyway — good oral sex will always beat the heck out of intercourse.
During my marriage we had intercourse or oral sex almost every day, but I still needed to masturbate occasionally.
Over the last five years I have kept a careful record of my orgasms. I have found that the frequency is a constant 25 to 30 per month. There have been periods when most resulted from masturbation and only a few from intercourse, and there have been times when the ratio was more even, but masturbation is always there. Masturbation has been something I have needed to do since I was 13, and I can't imagine that it will ever stop. I am 54 now, so I have been masturbating for over 40 years. I hope I will be masturbating in another 40!
Do you find yourself masturbating more often during some seasons than others? Why?
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Birds and bees