A year ago, if anyone had told me I would be writing my biography for a Web site dedicated to male masturbation, I would have laughed uncontrollably. By contemporary standards, my life has been remarkably tame; consequently, I couldn't believe anyone would be interested in what I have to say. In truth, I thought the same thing when I first replied to a JackinWorld Question of the Week (#183, about the ease of orgasm), only to find my response among the body of replies.
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penis size
Just not yet
I was reared in a home where sex was never mentioned; I never even heard the word "pregnant." How I managed to get to be 11 years old before learning the facts of life I do not know, but I did. I moved to a new school when I was in the 5th grade, and there I began to get a real education in things I'd never heard of. I knew where babies came from, of course, but I had no idea how they got there.
My story is somewhat different because I did not ejaculate by hand until I was nearly 18. I was raised in an extremely sexually repressive home. My mother did not believe in sex for pleasure and rarely engaged in it. Sex was never discussed at our house, and neither my 3 older brothers nor I ever received any sex instruction at home.
Over the headboard
Where I live, sex education is very lacking. They only tell you the raw basics: Man and woman get together, and sperm is transferred from male to female (somehow), and that's basically it. Nothing about how the whole erection thing happens, nothing about pleasuring yourself, or anything remotely close.
Changing room
My masturbation career has been short, so far at least, but it has been very, very good. I guess there's just something about masturbation that once you start you can't stop, and no matter how many times you do it, it still feels good.
Erotic research
I am a heterosexual Caucasian male living in Upstate New York. I discovered masturbation accidentally. Around age 12, when my penis began to grow, my erections became more frequent and started to capture my attention. I initially wasn't concerned about my penis size; I was in the early stages of exploring my sexuality. I would stare in the mirror with my penis erect at a right angle to my body, just admiring the beauty of the whole experience. My erections were very hard, but they were still only about 4 inches.
Dad's video
I grew up in a cool family. I'm the eldest in our only-boys family, and that the fact that we have no sisters makes us aware that we have nothing to hide from each other — we all have penises, and we know for a fact that we all masturbate. That's probably why we give each other enough privacy to do whatever we want to do.
Muppet babies
I discovered this wonderful aspect of human life when I was 13. How I discovered it is quite a long story, perhaps similar to others' experiences.
Bubbling urethra
My earliest sexual memories were when I was 3. I recall sitting under the clothesline stoop fondling myself. Some time after that recollection, another boy and I were exposing ourselves to a girl. Then we came up with the idea to put each other's penises in our mouths. What a novel idea for two 3-year-olds. I didn't last long, as his tasted oily, but he didn't seem to have a problem sucking on mine. However, the girl told her mother of what had happened, and she in turn told my mother in front of me. I was so distressed — but my mom never scolded or punished me. What a great mom.
Set phasers to fun
I first remember masturbating when I was about 7. I'm sure I was doing it before then, but that is my earliest memory of doing it. I would put my hand in my underpants and, holding my hand flat, move my soft penis up and down. The rubbing of my hand and of my penis head on my cotton underwear felt fantastic, and if I was lucky I would reach a sort-of orgasm before I got too much of an erection for my technique to work. Of course, I didn't use those words — "boner" was what my best friend and I called an erection, and orgasm was just some final, great, nameless feeling.