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Do you masturbate while away at school, and if so, under what circumstances?
Venture forth
I don't really remember discovering masturbation on a specific occasion, but I do remember that when I was about 10 or 11 I used to find it fun to lie on my stomach in bed with my penis between the fingers of my hand and move my hips up and down. I did this because it felt good and didn't associate it with sex, and so I wasn't at all embarrassed about it -- though my dad did try to stop me from doing it on more than one occasion. It felt too good to stop, though, so I would carry on again as soon as he left.
Marital masturbation
I am a female in my late 50s; my husband wrote Biography #8. I grew up in a large family in a house with only 2 bedrooms and 1 bathroom. Also, my parents were silent about sexual matters. I suppose those two factors account for the fact that I did not masturbate as a child or teenager. I was so ignorant of matters sexual that until I was probably 13, I was unaware the vagina existed. I believed that the anus was the female sexual orifice.
My favorite subject
Okay, I'm not good at writing but this is a favorite subject, so here goes. I had my first few orgasms when I was in the 6th grade, while I was asleep. I had no idea what it was all about. It was a mess to clean up, it kinda felt good while I was dreaming, but the sticky mess made it a pain. One morning I woke up and had a major erection and was lying on my stomach. I found out it felt real good to rub it by thrusting into the bed. But then I felt like I was going to lose it -- I was afraid I'd pee in the bed and my mom would find out, so I stopped.
Hogan's Heroes
I don't remember the first time I masturbated. The first time I remember I was very young, probably between the 2nd and 3rd grade. My brother and sister and I had been playing, but I said I was going to take a nap and asked them to be quiet because, "the kind of dreams I want to dream I need quiet for." I lay under the covers, pulled down my pants, and began rubbing my penis ("peepee" as it was called) on the mattress. I fantasized about masturbation ("it" as I called it) being contagious, and that if anyone slept in my bed after I had done it then they would do it, too.