A helpful hint for uncut guys of a certain age...or any age, maybe – I'm 71 and it's working for me. I was worried about how tight my foreskin was getting, to the point where I couldn't retract it. I had used handcreams and such to relax the foreskin, but it didn't help much. Lubrication did turn out to be the answer, but not the way I was doing it. This is my advice to anybody with the same problem:
1. Be sure to use the right cream – not a first-aid cream, not a commercial hand cream, nothing with a fragrance, but a bland moisturizing cream that is non-comedogenic, whatever that means. I use one called Cetophen, but I'm sure there are others. Vaseline is also helpful, but I don't think it's enough by itself.
2. Keep after it. This may be the most important factor of all. Grease yourself up every morning and evening. (I say "grease," but these creams are soluble and don't stain.) First, wash yourself, not with a detergent bar, which most "soaps" are, but with an actual soap like Dial (unscented.) Then apply the cream. If you can't pull the foreskin all the way down at first, retract it as much as you can and apply the cream around the rim and into the glans. You don't have to rub it in; leave some on. I can't guarantee your results, but after two weeks of this treatment, my foreskin slid back slick as a whistle and I was back in business. But if I skip two or three sessions, the old problem starts to come back. So you may need to develop a regimen and stick to it.
By the way, any teenager with this problem can also ask his dad about it. Most dads are glad to help their sons with stuff like this, once the ice is broken (which is generally up to the son).
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Loosening A Tight Foreskin