I have had many years of enjoying masturbation since I was introduced to the miracle at age 9. I shared a room with an older brother who wanted the freedom to masturbate anytime he wanted, so he showed me what "the big boys" do. Of course I didn't wait until I was one of them. Suddenly, the little erections I was having made sense to me, and I began to enjoy the miracle many times a day.
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The canyon
Bidet on business
I remember playing "doctor" with a neighbor girl as early as age 5. This excited me a great deal, and it felt good for her (or me) to rub my erection. (I think I have always had erections). But I never got to an orgasm from it.
Happy Days
My family lived in a large apartment building. At age two I became best friends with another two-year-old boy. Neither of us had siblings and we bounded around like brothers. We did everything together; as we got older we even went to the john with one another. No inhibitions at that age. I suppose having seen each other's naked bodies for years, at some point we began to explore each other and our small erections. At age 9 we must have heard about sex and decided to experiment.
The head
Most of my early experiences were like everyone else's — discovery of masturbation on my own at age 12; alarm on first ejaculation; guilt, denial, efforts to stop, etc. I'll skip those details and describe aspects of my masturbation life that were perhaps a little unusual.
Erection Theory
Powerful instrument
I am a 54-year-old female from the United Kingdom. I was bought up in an all-female household and went to a single-sex school. My entire sex education happened when I was 12, on the day I started my periods: My mother said to me, "Never let a boy touch you." That was it. I used to wonder why. I had never seen a man's body and certainly never seen a penis.
Pipe organ
I grew up in a house with two brothers (one older and one younger), and the interest in each other's penises was the source of much forbidden pleasure. While our parents were away we would often show each other our proud erections, certainly the symbols of approaching manhood. We would compare and fondle each other's penises, even though we had yet to discover the wonders of orgasm. Nonetheless, the experience was intense. Looking back on three young guys sporting their erect penises seems only like a dream.
I had finished taking a bath. The thought came to me about what the guys at school were saying quietly: "moving back and forth, up and down." I had a fine erection, and the opportunity was present for a bit of self-discovery. For me it was one of the finest discoveries of my life, and at that moment, it was probably one of the most powerful. It seemed quite natural stroking back and forth, and the pleasure of the sensation was surely going somewhere that seemed both mysterious and exquisite. The intensity of that first ejaculation was both memorable and physically powerful.
I found JackinWorld when I checked my computer to find out where my kids were surfing to. I've found many Web pages that were not worth a penny, but JackinWorld is different — it is simply excellent. It can be of great help to boys and girls looking for information on masturbation that cannot be provided in the homes. I have read many of the biographies of the month, and it seems everything has gone smoothly for every one. That has not been the case for me, although I have enjoyed masturbation for many years.
A Good Boy
A year ago, if anyone had told me I would be writing my biography for a Web site dedicated to male masturbation, I would have laughed uncontrollably. By contemporary standards, my life has been remarkably tame; consequently, I couldn't believe anyone would be interested in what I have to say. In truth, I thought the same thing when I first replied to a JackinWorld Question of the Week (#183, about the ease of orgasm), only to find my response among the body of replies.
Tryst at a motel
One year while on a family vacation I had an experience I thought you might like to hear about. It was a turning point that I think has affected my entire masturbatory sex life. I am now 37 years old and enjoy a great solo sex life without guilt.