During a two-day period in May 1999, we conducted a survey of male JackinWorld readers to learn about their masturbation preferences and practices. The survey was open to males of all ages. Almost 2,350 responses were sent in; after we removed duplicate entries and frivolous entries (for instance, the reader who listed his age as 1), 2,284 remained. Here's a run-down of the results.
1. What was your age at your last birthday?
* Average age: 22.0 (youngest 12; oldest 82)
Age groups:
12-13: 3.6%
14-15: 17.8%
16-17: 25.4%
18-20: 20.0%
21-24: 9.9%
25-29: 7.0%
30-35: 5.8%
36-42: 4.0%
43-49: 2.3%
50-59: 2.7%
60-69: 1.1%
70 and older: 0.5%
2. Where do you live?
* United States: 73.3%
* Canada: 9.3%
* Mexico or Central/South America: 1.1%
* British Isles: 4.9%
* Continental Europe: 5.3%
* Continental Asia: 1.8%
* Africa: 0.4%
* Australia: 3.3%
* Pacific Islands: 0.5%
3. On average, about how many times per week do you masturbate to orgasm?
Age groups:
12-13: 8.7 times per week
14-15: 8.6
16-17: 8.0
18-20: 7.9
21-24: 7.3
25-29: 6.9
30-35: 6.4
36-42: 5.9
43-49: 5.4
50-59: 4.8
60-69: 3.0
70 and older: 3.3
4. Which of the following is most true for you?
* I am currently not in a relationship: 68.9% (ave. age: 19.7)
* I am in a romantic relationship, but it has not become sexual: 9.5% (ave. age: 18.0)
* I am in a sexual/romantic relationship, but I am not living with the person: 10.0% (ave. age: 22.3)
* I am married or in a domestic partnership: 11.6% (ave. age: 39.4)
Of those over age 21 who are not currently in a relationship, average weekly masturbation frequency is 7.0.
Of those over age 21 who are married or in a domestic partnership, average weekly masturbation frequency is 4.9.
5. Have you ever had sexual intercourse with a female?
* Yes: 32.4% (ave. age: 29.9)
* No: 67.6% (ave. age: 18.3)
By age group:
12-13: 7.3%
14-15: 9.6%
16-17: 13.3%
18-20: 22.6%
21-24: 49.1%
25-29: 69.0%
30-35: 68.2%
36-42: 77.8%
43-49: 86.6%
50-59: 88.3%
60-69: 88.5%
70 and older: 90.9%
6. What do you consider your sexual orientation?
* I have not given it much thought: 2.3%
* Totally straight: 34.3%
* Mostly straight: 36.3%
* Bisexual – about half and half: 12.2%
* Mostly gay: 8.5%
* Totally gay: 6.4%
Average age of "totally" or "mostly" straight readers: 21.0
Average age of "totally" or "mostly" gay readers: 27.1
7. How long have you been reading JackinWorld?
* Since it first started, in late 1996: 7.5%
* For 1 to 2 years: 36.2%
* 6 months to a year: 23.0%
* 2 months to 6 months: 14.0%
* Less than 2 months: 19.3%
8. Are you right- or left-handed?
* Right: 87.2%
* Left: 12.8%
9. When you're about halfway through a masturbation session, which hand or hands do you use (if any) to stimulate your penis?
* I do not use my hands when I masturbate: 1.1%
* My right only: 48.5%
* My left only: 14.4%
* Both – I switch off between the two: 35.9%
Of right-handed people, percentage who masturbate primarily with the left hand: 9.7%
Of left-handed people, percentage who masturbate primarily with the right hand: 19.9%
Of righties, percentage who masturbate with both hands: 37.0%
Of lefties, percentage who masturbate with both hands: 32.5%
10. At the climax of a masturbation session (at the point of orgasm), which hand or hands do you use (if any) to stimulate your penis?
* I do not use my hands: 1.4%
* My right only: 62.2%
* My left only: 14.6%
* Both – I switch off, or sometimes I use one and sometimes the other: 21.7%
11. For most masturbation sessions, what (if anything) do you use to lubricate your penis?
* I usually do not use lubrication: 66.1% (ave. age: 21.6)
* Commercial personal lube (like K-Y Jelly): 5.4% (ave. age: 29.4)
* Vaseline: 3.9% (ave. age: 21.2)
* Hand lotion: 13.8% (ave. age: 21.8)
* Other: 10.8% (ave. age: 21.9)
12. Of the following, what position do you most prefer to masturbate in?
* Lying on my back: 62.5%
* Lying on my stomach: 3.0%
* Kneeling: 4.8%
* Sitting: 23.5%
* Standing: 6.2%
13. What is your favorite time of day to masturbate?
* Morning: 12.2%
* Afternoon: 17.3%
* Evening/bedtime: 61.0%
* In the middle of the night: 9.5%
14. Where do you most often masturbate to orgasm?
* In bed: 48.2%
* In the bedroom, but not in bed: 18.7%
* In the shower or bathtub: 9.2%
* In the bathroom at home, but not in the shower or bathtub: 10.4%
* In my home, but not in the bedroom or bathroom: 12.2%
* Not in my home, although indoors: 0.5%
* Outdoors: 0.7%
Of those who usually masturbate in bed, percentage of those who prefer to do it lying on their backs: 86.2%
Of those who usually masturbate in the shower or bathtub, percentage of those who prefer to do it standing: 19.0%
15. For a typical masturbation session, what clothes are you wearing?
* Nothing: 40.0% (ave. age: 24.1)
* Underwear only (pulled down): 20.5% (ave. age: 22.1)
* Shirt and underwear (pulled down): 16.6% (ave. age: 21.1)
* Pants on (pulled down), shirt off: 3.6% (ave. age: 18.1)
* I'm basically fully clothed (pants pulled down): 19.4% (ave. age: 19.3)
16. When you don't have much privacy, how do you feel about the "danger" of being walked in on while masturbating?
* It's a turn-off – I much prefer having plenty of privacy: 51.6% (ave. age: 22.0)
* I don't really care either way: 28.9% (ave. age: 21.0)
* It's a turn-on – the danger enhances the excitement: 19.5% (ave. age: 23.4)
17. When you first begin a masturbation session, which best describes the way your penis feels?
* It's very, very sensitive: 17.3%
* I wouldn't call it very, very sensitive, but I'm happy with how it feels: 71.0%
* It's not all that sensitive – I wish it were much more sensitive: 11.7%
18. How firm a grip do you use at various points of your session? (Participants were told to skip the question if they don't masturbate with a hand.)
* I grip lightly more or less all the way through: 16.7%
* I start off with a light grip and use a firm grip at the end: 43.4%
* I start off firm and use a lighter grip at the end: 9.1%
* I use a firm grip more or less all the way through: 30.7%
19. How fast a stroking (or thrusting) speed do you use at various points of your masturbation session?
* I go slowly more or less all the way through: 9.6%
* I start off slowly but I'm going fast when I orgasm: 59.1%
* I start off quickly but I slow down or stop when orgasm starts: 17.7%
* I go quickly more or less all the way through: 13.5%
20. Which of the following best describes your use of visual stimulation (in the form of pictures or videos) when you masturbate?
* I rarely or never use visual stimulation: 24.5%
* I sometimes use visual stimulation, but my eyes are usually closed by the time I orgasm: 34.3%
* I'm often looking at a picture or video when I orgasm: 38.9%
* Under most circumstances I can reach orgasm only when I'm looking at a picture or video: 2.3%
21. Which of the following best describes how much of a leisurely session (from start to orgasm) you spend stimulating your penis and how much you spend resting?
* I'm stimulating my penis pretty much the whole time: 44.3% (ave. age: 22.6)
* I take short, occasional breaks (say, 10 seconds resting for every 2 minutes stroking): 39.8% (ave. age: 21.5)
* I take short, frequent breaks (say, 10 seconds resting for every 20 seconds stroking): 11.0% (ave. age: 21.9)
* I take long breaks (say, 30 seconds or more): 4.9% (ave. age: 22.8)
22. What experiences, if any, have you had masturbating in the presence of other males? (Participants were told "flashing" someone – exhibiting themselves to a stranger without their consent – doesn't count, nor does accidentally being seen masturbating.)
* I've never masturbated in the presence of another male: 43.3%
* I've masturbated in the presence of another male, but he didn't see anything: 14.0%
* I've masturbated in the presence of another male who could see what I was doing: 42.7%
23. What experiences, if any, have you had masturbating in the presence of females? (Same restrictions were given as #22.)
* I've never masturbated in the presence of a female: 67.1%
* I've masturbated in the presence of a female, but she didn't see anything: 6.8%
* I've masturbated in the presence of a female who could see what I was doing: 26.1%
24. What experiences, if any, have you had being masturbated by other people? (For this question "being masturbated" was defined as having your penis directly stimulated by another person for more than just a few seconds.)
* I've never been masturbated by another person: 43.3%
* I've been masturbated by a male but not a female: 21.8%
* I've been masturbated by a female but not a male: 19.6%
* I've been masturbated by both a male and a female: 15.3%
25. What experiences, if any, have you had masturbating other people? (For this question "masturbating" was defined as directly stimulating a person's genitals for more than just a few seconds.)
* I've never masturbated another person: 44.0%
* I've masturbated a male but not a female: 22.1%
* I've masturbated a female but not a male: 19.3%
* I've masturbated both a male and a female: 14.5%
26. When you fantasize about people during your masturbation sessions, how often are you thinking of males and how often are they females? (Participants were told to skip the question if they never fantasize about anyone – 1.2% skipped the question.)
* They're always or nearly always female: 31.2%
* They're usually female: 16.1%
* About half and half: 21.3%
* They're usually male: 16.0%
* They're always or nearly always male: 15.5%
27. If you fantasize about females, which of the following do you most often fantasize about? (Participants were told to skip the question if they never fantasize about females – 18.2% skipped the question.)
* Ordinary people I know personally (friends and acquaintances): 61.6%
* Ordinary people I've seen but don't personally know: 13.8%
* Relatives: 1.8%
* Celebrities: 10.2%
* Imaginary people who don't actually exist: 12.6%
28. If you fantasize about males, which of the following do you most often fantasize about? (Participants were told to skip the question if they never fantasize about males – 32.9% skipped the question.)
* Ordinary people I know personally (friends and acquaintances): 60.4%
* Ordinary people I've seen but don't personally know: 19.2%
* Relatives: 1.8%
* Celebrities: 6.3%
* Imaginary people who don't actually exist: 12.2%
29. About how much older or younger than you are the people you usually fantasize about? (Participants were told to skip the question if they never fantasize about anyone – 1.6% skipped the question.)
* More than 8 years older: 3.6% (ave. age: 23.1)
* Maybe 3 to 8 years older: 9.4% (ave. age: 18.9)
* Roughly my age, give or take a few years: 69.6% (ave. age: 19.7)
* Maybe 3 to 8 years younger: 10.7% (ave. age: 26.9)
* More than 8 years younger: 6.8% (ave. age: 42.6)
Averages by age group (+ indicates years older, - indicates years younger):
12-13: +1.6
14-15: +0.8
16-17: +0.3
18-20: +0.2
21-24: -0.1
25-29: -0.9
30-35: -2.5
36-42: (-4.0)
43-49: (-4.2)
50-59: (-5.2)
60-69: (-6.3)
70 and older: (-5.5)
30. In the heat of a masturbation session, how often do you fantasize about the following?
Females masturbating
* Often: 22.5%
* Sometimes: 31.2%
* Rarely or never: 46.2%
Female genitals
* Often: 42.5%
* Sometimes: 31.6%
* Rarely or never: 25.9%
* Often: 44.5%
* Sometimes: 30.6%
* Rarely or never: 24.9%
Males masturbating
* Often: 37.7%
* Sometimes: 29.6%
* Rarely or never: 32.6%
* Often: 42.1%
* Sometimes: 27.8%
* Rarely or never: 30.0%
Mutually masturbating with a female
* Often: 27.6%
* Sometimes: 37.4%
* Rarely or never: 34.9%
Mutually masturbating with a male
* Often: 35.0%
* Sometimes: 30.5%
* Rarely or never: 34.5%
Having sex with a female or females
* Often: 60.6%
* Sometimes: 22.6%
* Rarely or never: 16.8%
Having sex with a male or males
* Often: 29.5%
* Sometimes: 19.1%
* Rarely or never: 51.4%
Watching a male and a female having sex
* Often: 30.2%
* Sometimes: 39.4%
* Rarely or never: 30.4%
Watching two females having sex
* Often: 28.0%
* Sometimes: 27.7%
* Rarely or never: 44.3%
Watching two males having sex
* Often: 23.5%
* Sometimes: 20.4%
* Rarely or never: 56.2%