This Survey was held in October '97 over a period of about six days. A total of 1,208 responses were collected. Of the multiple-choice questions, fewer than 1% were not answered. If fewer than 1,200 people answered a given question, a "no answer" percentage is included with the results; otherwise, the percentages reflect only those who chose to answer the question.
Here is a list of the questions, followed by a breakdown of the responses:
1. Age
Average age | 20.9 |
Low age | 11 |
High age | 74 |
2. Location
![]() |
3. Ethnicity
(a) African (black) | 1.7% (average age: 17.8) |
(b) Asian/Pacific Islander | 5.4% (average age: 16.0) |
(c) European (white) | 85.0% (average age: 21.3) |
(d) Latin-American/ ......Hispanic |
3.3% (average age: 19.3) |
(e) Middle Eastern/ ......Semitic |
0.6% (average age: 18.7) |
(f) Native American | 1.7% (average age: 18.0) |
(g) Other | 2.3% (average age: 22.0) |
4. Religion
Question: How religious are you?
(a) not religious at all | 32.0% |
(b) raised religious, still accept ......religious teachings somewhat |
40.2% |
(c) have strong spiritual convictions ......associated with a major religion |
22.8% |
(d) have strong spiritual convictions not ......associated with a major religion |
5.0% |
Note: In the analyses of other questions in this Survey, a reference to "very religious readers" refers to those who answered (c) on this question.
5. Masturbation Frequency
Question: On the average, how many times per week do you masturbate to orgasm?
(a) Less than 1 | 1.2% |
(b) 1 to 3 | 16.6% |
(c) 4 to 6 | 33.6% |
(d) 7 to 10 | 25.8% |
(e) 11 to 14 | 12.8% |
(f) 15 to 20 | 6.4% |
(g) 21 to 30 | 2.9% |
(h) more than 30 | 0.8% |
This works out to a rough average of 7.9 times per week.*
Breaking out this average by age:
o ages 11-13 | 10.8 times per week |
o age 14 | 8.8 |
o age 15 | 9.1 |
o age 16 | 8.8 |
o age 17 | 8.6 |
o ages 18-21 | 7.5 |
o ages 22-35 | 6.3 |
o ages 36 and up | 5.3 |
Breaking out the overall average by ethnicity:
o African (black) | 5.6 times per week |
o Asian/Pacific Islander | 7.8 |
o European (white) | 8.1 |
o Latin-American/Hispanic | 7.8 |
o Middle Eastern/Semitic | 6.6 |
o Native American | 6.5 |
Among very religious readers, the overall average is 7.7 times per week; among the non-religious, the average is 8.1.
*This figure, and those that follow, were calculated by assigning median values to responses (b) through (g), using 0.5 times per week for (a) and 35 times per week for (h), and averaging the resulting figures.
6. Masturbation Frequency Maximum
Question: What is the most number of times you've masturbated to orgasm in a 24-hour period?
(a) 1 | 1.2% |
(b) 2 | 7.3% |
(c) 3 or 4 | 46.6% |
(d) 5 or 6 | 27.5% |
(e) 7 to 10 | 13.8% |
(f) more than 10 | 3.6% |
7. Masturbation Abstinence
Question: Not counting your childhood, what is the most number of days you've gone without masturbating? (Note: Masturbating on Monday and Thursday but not Tuesday or Wednesday would count as 2 days.)
(a) 0 | 0.7% |
(b) 1 | 2.5% |
(c) 2 | 5.2% |
(d) 3 or 4 | 19.2% |
(e) 5 or 6 | 22.7% |
(f) 7 to 30 | 41.7% |
(g) more than 30 | 8.0% |
8. Sexual Activity
Question: On the average, not counting mutual masturbation, how many times per month do you have sexual contact to orgasm with another person?
(a) rarely or never | 72.9% |
(b) 1 to 4 | 16.0% |
(c) 5 to 10 | 6.6% |
(d) 11 to 20 | 2.7% |
(e) more than 20 | 1.7% |
9. Bedroom-Sharing
Question: Most of the time, does somebody else sleep in the same bedroom with you?
(a) yes | 17.9% |
(b) no | 82.1% |
10. Masturbation Locations
Question: Where do you masturbate?
(a) always or almost always in the bedroom | 33.8% |
(b) always or almost always in the bathroom at home | 7.4% |
(c) usually in the bedroom, but sometimes in the bathroom | 33.5% |
(d) usually in the bathroom, but sometimes in the bedroom | 15.5% |
(e) usually somewhere other than the bedroom or bathroom at home | 9.8% |
Among those who share a bedroom, 24.1% chose response (a).
11. Public Masturbation
Question: How often do you masturbate in a public bathroom or other public place?
(a) rarely or never | 70.9% |
(b) sometimes (5 to 50% of the time) | 28.6% |
(c) most of the time | 0.5% |
12. Privacy
Question: How often are you able to take as much time as you want to masturbate?
(a) rarely or never | 3.4% |
(b) sometimes (5 to 50% of the time) | 38.7% |
(c) most of the time | 57.9% |
Among those who share a bedroom:
(a) rarely or never | 6.0% |
(b) sometimes | 48.1% |
(c) most of the time | 45.8% |
13. Session Duration -- Leisurely
Question: When you're able to take your time, about how long (on average) does it take you, from beginning to orgasm?
(a) less than 5 minutes | 9.9% |
(b) 5 to 10 minutes | 36.6% |
(c) 10 to 20 minutes | 32.8% |
(d) longer than 20 minutes | 20.8% |
This works out to a rough average of 14.0 minutes per leisurely masturbation session.*
Breaking out this average by age group:
o ages 11-15 | 11.7 minutes (9.6 minutes for ages 11-13 only) |
o ages 16-21 | 14.3 minutes |
o ages 22 and over | 16.4 minutes |
*Calculated using the same method as in question #5, with 3 minutes for response (a) and 30 minutes for (d).
14. Session Duration -- Hurried
Question: When you want to orgasm quickly, about how long (on average) does it take you, from beginning to orgasm?
(a) less than 1 minute | 9.8% |
(b) 1 to 2 minutes | 44.7% |
(c) 3 to 5 minutes | 36.4% |
(d) 5 to 10 minutes | 8.3% |
(e) longer than 10 minutes | 0.9% |
This works out to a rough average of 2.9 minutes per hurried masturbation session.*
Breaking out this average by age group:
o ages 11-15 | 2.7 minutes (similar for ages 11-13 only) |
o ages 16-21 | 2.9 minutes |
o ages 22 and over | 3.1 minutes |
*Calculated using the same method as in question #5, with 30 seconds for response (a) and 15 minutes for (e).
15. Age of First Orgasm
Question: At what age did you begin to masturbate to the point of orgasm?
(a) 11 or younger | 26.6% |
(b) 12 | 34.8% |
(c) 13 | 22.2% |
(d) 14 | 10.4% |
(e) 15 | 3.9% |
(f) 16 or older | 2.2% |
This works out to a rough average of 12.1 years. People who started masturbating at age 12 or younger (average present age: 20.3) currently masturbate an average 8.7 times per week; those who started at age 13 or older (average present age: 21.7) currently masturbate an average 6.7 times per week.*
*Calculated using the same method as in question #5, with 10 for response (a) and 18 for (f).
16. Age of First Ejaculation
Question: At what age did you begin to ejaculate semen? (Skip if you don't yet ejaculate semen.)
(a) 11 or younger | 8.6% |
(b) 12 | 34.1% |
(c) 13 | 35.0% |
(d) 14 | 14.8% |
(e) 15 | 5.0% |
(f) 16 or older | 1.6% |
no answer | 0.9% |
This works out to a rough average of 12.8 years.*
*Calculated using the same method as in question #5, with 11 for response (a) and 16 for (f).
17. Ejaculation Force
Question: In one of your better ejaculations (while lying on your back), how far does the semen get ejected from your penis? (Skip if you don't yet ejaculate semen.)
(a) less than an inch/dribble | 4.9% (average age: 19.1) |
(b) 1 to 6 inches -- around your ......belly button or lower chest |
26.7% (average age: 19.4) |
(c) 5 to 15 inches -- your upper chest | 36.6% (average age: 20.8) |
(d) more than 15 inches -- past your ......chest |
31.0% (average age: 22.5) |
no answer | 0.9% |
Percentage of readers responding (c) or (d), by age group:
11-14 | 52.6% |
15-16 | 64.8% |
17-21 | 72.0% |
22-35 | 80.2% |
36 and over | 72.0% |
Percentage of readers age 16 and over responding (c) or (d),
by penis length (see question #26):
Shorter than 6" | 66.7% |
7" or longer | 81.8% |
18. Feelings After Ejaculation
Question: How do you usually feel after you ejaculate?
(a) happy/relaxed | 89.2% |
(b) guilty/depressed/upset at myself | 9.5% |
(c) nervous/uptight/angry at the world | 1.3% |
Among the very religious, the guilty percentage rises to 14.6%. Among the very religious who have been reading JackinWorld for less than 2 months (see question #20), this percentage rises further to 18.6%. Among non-religious readers overall, the percentage who feel guilty after ejaculating is 7.0%. Among non-religious people who have been reading JackinWorld for at least 6 months, the percentage falls further to 4.3%.
19. JackinWorld Influence
Question: What is the biggest effect JackinWorld has had on you?
(a) now I feel much better about ......masturbating |
19.0% |
(b) I've learned new techniques | 21.8% |
(c) I've been able to see how other ......people experience masturbation |
47.7% |
(d) it hasn't had much effect at all | 11.5% |
Among the very religious, the percentage that chose (a) is 18.7%; among the non-religious, the percentage is 16.1%.
20. JackinWorld Reader Tenure
Question: How long have you been reading JackinWorld?
(a) since late '96 -- I'm a lifer! | 17.0% |
(b) I found it in winter or spring of ......this year |
23.3% |
(c) I found it last summer | 24.7% |
(d) I just found it within the last one ......or two months |
35.0% |
21. Handedness
Question: Are you right- or left-handed?
(a) right | 85.8% |
(b) left | 13.4% |
no answer | 0.8% |
22. Hands Used in Masturbation
Question: Which hand or hands are you usually using when you ejaculate?
(a) right | 68.5% |
(b) left | 16.2% |
(c) both | 15.4% |
Among right-handed readers:
(a) right | 74.4% |
(b) left | 10.3% |
(c) both | 15.3% |
23. Free-Hand Use
Question: If you have a free hand, what is it usually doing when you ejaculate?
(a) not much | 36.2% |
(b) massaging my scrotum or crotch | 40.3% |
(c) stimulating my anus | 8.8% |
(d) massaging my chest, nipples, ......or elsewhere |
13.5% |
no answer | 1.2% |
24. Penis Hang
Question: When you stand up, does your non-erect penis hang to the left or right at all?
(a) no -- it hangs straight down | 56.7% |
(b) it hangs to the left slightly | 27.2% |
(c) it hangs the right slightly | 15.3% |
no answer | 0.7% |
Among right-handed readers who masturbate with the right hand only:
(a) straight | 57.0% |
(b) left | 27.2% |
(c) right | 15.8% |
Among left-handed readers who masturbate with the left hand only:
(a) straight | 65.5% |
(b) left | 25.0% |
(c) right | 9.5% |
25. Penis Curve
Question: When you look at your erect penis from above, does it curve to the left or right at all?
(a) no -- it's straight | 55.5% |
(b) it curves to the left slightly | 29.1% |
(c) it curves to the right slightly | 12.8% |
(d) it curves sharply to the left or right ......(more than 20 degrees or so) |
2.6% |
Among right-handed readers who masturbate with the right hand only:
(a) straight | 54.9% |
(b) slight left curve | 30.4% |
(c) slight right curve: | 11.9% |
(d) sharp curve: | 2.9% |
Among left-handed readers who masturbate with the left hand only:
(a) straight | 62.7% |
(b) slight left curve | 27.7% |
(c) slight right curve | 8.4% |
(d) sharp curve | 1.2% |
Among those who began masturbating to orgasm at age 11 or earlier:
(a) straight | 55.5% |
(b) slight left curve | 28.5% |
(c) slight right curve | 12.9% |
(d) sharp curve | 3.1% |
26. & 27. Penis Size
Readers were asked to measure their erect penis for length and circumference using uniform, precise methods. They were told: "If you have even the slightest temptation to lie or exaggerate your measurements on this survey, or if you aren't interested in getting a precise measurement by using the methods outlined below, please do us all a favor and skip the next two questions."
This was the measuring method given for length:
With a rigid ruler handy, get a full erection. Lay the ruler along the top of your penis, and press the end of the ruler firmly against your body (where the pubic hair is). Hold your penis against the ruler with your hand, straighten out as much as possible any curvature that may exist, and try to hold your penis so that it's sticking straight out from your body. Then determine the ruler reading at the very end of your penis.
Question: The non-exaggerated length of your erect penis, as measured by the above method (please don't fill in if you didn't follow the directions):
Overall average: 6.07"
By age:
By ethnicity (age 15 and over only):
Among those who began masturbating to orgasm at age 11 or earlier: 6.08".
Among those who began masturbating to orgasm at age 14 or later: 6.03".
Readers age 16 and over whose penis is shorter than 6" masturbate an average of 6.8 times per week; those with a penis 7" or longer masturbate an average of 8.0 times per week.
This was the measuring method given for circumference:
With a flexible tape measure or piece of string handy, get a full erection. Measure the distance around (NOT across) the fattest part of your penis. In other words, wrap the tape measure or string around the shaft and measure it that way.
Question: The non-exaggerated circumference (not diameter) of your erect penis, as measured by the above method (please don't fill in if you didn't follow the directions):
Overall average: 4.37"
By age:
By ethnicity (age 15 and over only):
Among those who began masturbating to orgasm at age 11 or earlier: 4.43"
Among those who began masturbating to orgasm at age 14 or later: 4.35"
28. Hypothetical Question #1
Question: If you were with a group of three or four male peers and the topic of masturbation came up (without anyone saying they did it), and someone asked you point-blank if you masturbated, what would you say?
(a) I'd say I masturbate | 70.3% |
(b) I'd say I don't masturbate | 9.4% |
(c) I wouldn't answer, would ask ......someone else, or would change ......the subject |
19.6% |
no answer | 0.7% |
Percentage that answered yes, by age group:
o 11-14 | 53.0% |
o 15-16 | 64.7% |
o 17-21 | 74.2% |
o 22-35 | 82.5% |
o 36 and over | 90.8% |
Of those who usually feel guilty after masturbating:
(a) yes | 48.7% |
(b) no | 23.9% |
(c) change subject | 27.4% |
29. Hypothetical Question #2
Question: Would you ask a male friend to masturbate with you if you knew for a fact he'd say yes and wouldn't tell anyone about it?
(a) yes | 79.2% |
(b) no | 20.8% |
Among the very religious:
(a) yes | 80.1% |
(b) no | 19.9% |
30. Hypothetical Question #3
Question: If a male friend asked you to masturbate with him and you knew for a fact nobody would find out about it, would you do it?
(a) yes | 83.9% |
(b) no | 16.1% |
Among the very religious:
(a) yes | 83.5% |
(b) no | 16.5% |