How do you know if an entry is fictional? Do people really use JackinWorld that way, spinning ridiculous, fantastic lies and sending them to you?
Yes, they do. Some people are more obvious about it than others, however. Many of us are familiar with the "Penthouse Forum" style of embellishment: "I was masturbating, and my sister's best friends – who just happen to be identical-twin supermodels – came in and asked if they could help out." When we see that kind of thing in a QOW response, it usually gets the heave-ho. We're experienced enough with both fiction and nonfiction to be able to discern the difference. There are plenty of places on the Internet to read erotic fiction. JackinWorld is one of the few places where people can share their real experiences and attitudes, and we'd like to keep it that way.
Do you find yourself masturbating more often during some seasons than others? Why?
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