I've tried it myself, and it seems to be true. Does it really work? And if so, what's happening?
The caffeine in the coffee is responsible for the stronger erection. Caffeine is a drug that affects the nervous system. In fact, it overstimulates the central nervous system, which is why people who drink too much coffee have trouble sleeping or get a case of the shakes when they "come down" from a caffeine high. Erections are affected by the autonomic nervous system, which refers to the part of our day-to-day functioning over which we have little or no control, such as breathing. Since caffeine kick-starts the nervous system, it follows that erections will be affected, too. Caffeine also increases the blood pressure and stimulates of the heart, so it tends to get the heart beating and blood pumped to where it is most needed. A word to the wise, though, before you start chugging espresso or popping caffeine pills: Studies have shown that men who consume a great deal of caffeine (as well as those who use tobacco and alcohol) have greater instances of erectile dysfunction than those who consume a moderate amount. A balanced diet, exercise, and positive mindset are all much healthier ways to maintain and enjoy a strong erection.
Do you find yourself masturbating more often during some seasons than others? Why?
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