I'm a 22-year-old from California working in the porn industry part time. Now, you're probably wondering what a porn stud is doing masturbating. The short answer would be "practice." The long answer would be that my masturbation life started with watching porn, and has brought me full circle.
I remember masturbating occasionally since age 12. I never made a particular obsession about it, and my technique was not very good anyhow. I would always masturbate in the shower, and I didn't really associate it with sex. My preferred technique would be to soap up my inner thighs and sit with my legs crossed while rubbing my penis between my thighs. My ejaculations then were rather weak, and I did it only when my penis was stimulated by accident. I would then continue, because it felt good. When I became a sophomore in high school, I discovered the "grip and stroke" method under the circumstances that eventually propelled me into the porn industry. I was home alone and decided to watch TV. When I turned on the TV, I found an unlabeled video in the VCR, so I decided to play it. It happened to be a porn video, and the scene was still progressing through foreplay. I felt an erection working up when a firm, plump breast slid into view as the man peeled down the porn star's bikini-strap. As she proceeded to stroke and kiss his erect penis, he started moaning, and at that point, I made the connection. I pulled my erection out through the fly of my boxers, gripped my penis the way I saw her grip his penis, and started stroking. My "pre-cum" led to my first wet, grip-style masturbation session. It was incredible.
I stroked along as she proceeded to perform fellatio on the stud, moaning out loud. All of a sudden, what sounded so gross to me before was incredibly appealing. I spat on my palm to simulate the experience, and voilà! In one two-minute span, I had discovered the grip, the joy of oral sex, the intense pleasure of masturbating "wet," and the lubricating properties of saliva. Near the end of the oral-sex scene, the man said he was "about to come." I took that to mean something important, because they changed positions and he straddled her, putting his penis between her saliva-lubed breasts as she rubbed them together. I never even conceived of such a way to stimulate my penis at that point! The eroticism of the moment was too much. I had an incredible orgasm, one I will never forget. I was standing a few feet from the TV, and I remember arching my neck back as I shut my eyes. A rush of intense energy flooded my entire body, and I felt my penis erupt in intense rhythmic contractions as I ejaculated all over the bottom half of the TV screen.
When I looked up, I received a major disappointment. After being sucked on, rode on, sucked on again, and rubbing his penis between the gorgeous breasts of a porn star, he moaned hard and dribbled a pitiful little blob of semen onto her breasts. The woman seemed unduly excited at this, screaming, "Yes, ungh! That's it, baby! Yeah!" I remember exclaiming out loud, "That unqualified bastard! Even I can do better than that!!"
I remember thinking I wanted to be paid to have sex with and ejaculate on gorgeous women thereafter. Fortunately for me, the or "money shot" (where the man ejaculates, usually on the star's face or breasts) was coming into high fashion in the porn world. The audiences were now no longer sitting contentedly by as their porn studs dribbled pitiful amounts of semen — they demanded explosive response! It seems that, like me, many people equate the intensity of the "money shot" with the amount of pleasure. I must say, though, that in my own experience, the amount of ejaculate does not necessarily indicate the intensity of the individual orgasm. I do rather enjoy the feeling of ejaculating a large load, and that larger quantities corresponded to better, longer sessions. My reasoning was that with my huge ejaculate volume and distance, I should be in demand.
I lifted weights and shaped up my body, mostly out of disgust for how out of shape and overweight and hairy these porn studs were. I started trimming and shaving my pubic hair in anticipation for the day I would break in on the scene, but most important, I read up on all the sex techniques in the bookstores in secret. I secretly watched the porn tapes I discovered in hidden areas around the house, and realized I would have to learn to last under intense stimulation if I were to make it in the industry. This is where masturbation has played a prominent role. (To my dismay, none of my girlfriends wanted to have physical relationships in high school.)
I would spend long periods in training throughout my college years using the "Stop & Go" technique at building endurance. I learned all the tricks of increasing ejaculate volume on the Internet, which to my surprise, were not on JackinWorld. I started taking zinc and L-argenine supplements, increasing my water intake, and abstaining from masturbation for a few days in a row to maximize my semen output. I started using prostate stimulation and maintaining intense arousal for as long as possible. I was at the point where I could pump out a good 15 to 17 full spurts of semen, and shoot it for quite a distance. To my dismay, though the techniques I learned from JackinWorld did increase my pleasure, none of them vastly improved my masturbation practice. My favorite technique is still the fist grip, and my favorite masturbation aid is a good porn flick featuring oral sex, and a lubed up Fleshlight.
In my sophomore year of college, I decided to audition for an amateur porn competition for supplemental income. I kept it secret from my parents of course, and picked a pseudonym for the competition: "Shooter." Again, with the help of the Internet, I found out how to make my semen taste better. I went vegetarian and abstained from masturbating for a few days before the audition, and I stopped eating onions, garlic, and dairy products. I even got a lipstick-kiss print tattooed right above my pubic region. The audition was incredible. I had no stagefright in spite of the fact that I was naked, in front of a panel of judges, with cameras on me. I knew all the other bastards there were horny young men who had no idea what they were doing. I had actually trained and prepared myself for this! Being the youngest one there (19 years old) was not even an issue. I took off my shirt with gusto and flexed my muscles for a pose toward the camera, with my neatly groomed pubic hair and erection. I lasted twice as long as my competitors could hold out, giving my audition partner two orgasms in the process — one by 69 and one by intercourse. My "money shot" was judged as best on record for volume, style of delivery, duration, control, and intensity, receiving surprised wows and amazement from the judges. I traced my initials crudely on my partner's cheeks with my semen, and garnished her off by tracing wet, sloppy hearts around her lips, nipples, and navel, saving a few shots to salute the judges and pumping the rest off between her breasts. Such control would not be possible had I not trained myself using masturbation techniques. If you think masturbating will detract from your sex life, it might — but if you approach it as practice for "real sex," it might just make you an awesome lover. (Though garnishing your partner with semen is better suited for porn than for "making love." Porn sex is almost never how love sex should be.)
Thanks to masturbation, here I am, secretly making money having sex with sexy, horny aspiring porn stars. I still masturbate for enjoyment and to try out fancy "choreography" before I try it on a scene partner. I also run through new variations mentally while masturbating at my leisure. There's a pleasure to masturbating that I still enjoy when I don't feel like having sex; I can go at my own pace and not worry about my performance. I most often use porn video clips I download off various Web sites, though most of it is of poor quality. My favorite, though, is still that first porn video I ever saw. If only the "money shot" had been better. I also thoroughly enjoy masturbating to audio clips of the sounds of sex, where I don't find as much a need to re-enact or conform to what I see on screen.
You must be wondering how often I masturbate, given the unique role it has in my life. First of all, whenever I have an upcoming scene to shoot, I abstain for about 3 days in order to get the absolute maximal semen volume for the upcoming "money shot." But before I abstain, I masturbate daily, sometimes 7 or more times throughout the day, in preparation. If I can, I invite my scene partner over to "practice," which she always enjoys. With my prostate going full blast, abstaining for 3 days is much harder than you may think — but the resulting quantity of semen is worth it. In order to maximize my endurance, I make sure my position changes happen whenever I'm feeling too close to ejaculation before I'm ready. If I need to cool down, or if I risk accidentally ejaculating, I usually trace my "pre-cum" on my partner until I'm sufficiently cooled down. This allows for very interesting combinations of oral, anal, and vaginal intercourse, along with other forms of play, making for a good sex scene. This also allows me to maintain my erection for as long as possible, giving me a great "money shot," which is usually the scene's climax. I hate sloppy porn. I don't watch it, nor do I make it.
I must admit that my youth is an asset. Eventually my dad will find out, if he's still into porn, though I'm not sure how he would confront me. I can just imagine the look on his face when he sees his son in a porno he's watching in secret. And nobody would have guessed that masturbation is what made me successful in the amateur circles of porn so far, and that it may well carry me into the professional realm. I guess we all have secrets.