Hi! Female here. Heaven knows how I happened to run into JackinWorld, but I did. I found it most interesting, and sound in judgment and fact. Because you take the subject seriously, I thought I would spend a few minutes and pass along some of my experiences with boyfriends who enjoy my hands on them.
I am 32, and to pleasure my men I have developed some of my own techniques which I did not see mentioned. First, I am not put off by ejaculation, as some males and females express on your pages, and neither are my "subjects." Perhaps this in part helps our successes. Second, I am experienced with the long periods of play sometimes required to bring my friend to climax. I would never stop because I "got tired." I would not only consider it most unkind, but also a failure on my part, not his.
So, to the point of style, technique, position, or whatever words you want to use, from the simple to the complex: Technique number one is usually done in a nice, warm, common shower. With body contact and mutual body rubbing, arousal is almost inevitable for us both. When the penis is either fully erect or going that way (as I can tell by feel), I move behind my man and kneel to make his penis accessible. I reach between his legs, urging him to separate his feet. With soapy hands, I pull his penis to a downward point. If he's erect, we both like the resistance to the 180-degree bend; if softer, I particularly like the softer give of an elongated member. In either case, I begin a downward pulling, milking motion with alternate hands. I pay special attention to the head by squeezing harder with my fist as my hand passes over and rubs the glans. Before the hand slips off, my other hand has already begun its milking pull. This continues on and on, adding suds as needed. As moments pass, I feel the penis pull from me, or stiffen or soften. I also feel my friend shaking, body bracing, bending with grunting noises — I'm sure you can imagine the effects. When he finally ejaculates, quietly or loudly, I take the erupting head and roll my closed fist up and down over the sensitive head. In all the methods we use, I always continue to massage or rub the head, since the touch is ultra-sensitive at this time, so much so he will sometimes push me off in ecstasy. This is so simple and effective that I am told, even when alone, that they forgo the simple fisting in favor of an upside down, head-against-the-palm, "milk job."
Number two is a strange one I discovered on myself, but it transfers perfectly to a man, and it is especially fun for me to do and watch reactions. The bladder must be full. Often if he's going to the bathroom, I'll say a code word for the game, and he'll return with a smile and wait another 15 to 30 minutes depending on the drinks we're having, or his stamina. Finally, having stripped (because I like the nude male body), he sits on the corner of the bed, pushing back and spreading his knees wide on the side and foot of the mattress. Leaning back flat on the bed, he takes the pillow and holds it, arms beyond his head, just to have something to hold and help him stay flat. This position alone increases bladder pressure because his belly collapses into a "saddle" below the ribs. In fact, I can usually see exactly where the distended bladder is by the bulge below the gut. Now comes the gimmick: my bowling ball! Putting my fingers in place to carry it, I place it in his saddle and twist my wrist. This rolls the 16-pound ball up and near his bladder. Now I veer off to the side and pass by the mound, then roll back by it to the other side. Soon I am rolling directly over the mound and stopping on top. It is almost as though the plumbing doesn't know what to do, because if he has an erection, the desire to void mounts so strongly that he becomes partly flaccid in anticipation of urinating. But I roll off and gently handle the "handle" he provides and re-grow the erection. Pulling it aside, back comes the ball to its point of maximum pressure, and veering off again. The trick to learn is to watch his body and roll off if it looks like he will leak. Similarly, watch and feel if he looks about to ejaculate — let the head go and return the ball to center. As the delightful torture continues, it's fun to watch his legs stiffen and his abdomen tighten to raise his body. This is a sign of close ejaculation. Depending upon how often this has happened, it may or may not be forestalled. I usually kneel on the floor at the corner to keep his knees apart. It seems to heighten the pleasure in his totally exposed penis by being unable to "hide" himself between his legs. When his body shows signs that an eruption is imminent and unstoppable (the shaft stiffens to maximum and the head swells to shades of red and blue), I roll the ball to the center and quickly take him in my mouth. It is odd that the explosion is so strong for all the minimal handling I did. The scrotum has long ago pulled tight. It must be the internal pressures that cause the heavy and hard climax, by pleasuring so many different areas. As before, I do not let him simply ejaculate, but rather I suck him dry and lick his meatus and rim with my tongue, trying to keep the erection while the ball balances. Eventually he rolls to his side to stand; rarely can he sit up directly. Mmmm...haha! I am trying to be clinical and fully analytical. Now all I want is my own bed and bowling ball!
Number three has many variations, as do they all. I derive my maximum pleasure and multiple orgasms when I am held immobile and unable to move away from the source of the pleasure. This may be of help to those who have trouble ejaculating. My gentleman kneels by the end of a footstool, sits back on the top, then lies backward with his shoulders to the floor. If he asks, I sometimes lightly tie his ankles to his wrists; it's a matter of taste. The saddle I mentioned is again prominent between his ribs and pelvis. Now this time the spot is for me. I sit in the cradle and take his penis, usually erect by now, in both hands. I have a bottle of lotion handy, because I am going to massage his testicles and penis in numerous ways to accentuate his pleasure (and mine). My preferred method, because it is so intense and he is so unable to move, is to roll the penis between my palms. I ensure the index fingers roll over the rim of the head, and my thumbs spin directly over the meatus. After several minutes of this stimulation, the head becomes so sensitive that often the roll over the opening will cause him to give a loud grunt and contract his stomach muscles to the point of raising his body to floor level and lifting me a good few inches. The delightful thing is that this can be held for only a moment before he collapses of his own weight and often begs me to stop. I discovered this game in winter when the fire was crackling. I would place the ottoman at the hearth so semen would expel in force into the fire, causing me to laugh out loud. His reaction? He was back grunting in the horizontal lifted position while the testes and prostate did their pumping thing. I doubt if he heard the crackle of boiling semen. This is a fun exercise, as are all the variations from it. The main point to carry away is that he can "roll his own," so to speak, and get a fast ejaculation. There is a caution, as they have told me: Use a good lube, for dry skin can be chafed by fast rolling. (I doubt if you can start a fire, though!)
As an aside for the woman, his tired body draped over the footstool presents a face ideal for sitting on, either direction, and masturbating against his mouth and nose. But that's for the women's site. You might pass it on.
Each of these three can be done by the man himself, except the ottoman by the hearth. There's some variation that he might find, but I don't think it will be as fun as it can be with a girl in the saddle!
Do you find yourself masturbating more often during some seasons than others? Why?
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Ottoman by the hearth