For this one you need a paper-towel tube (really hard cardboard, if possible), a sock (the thicker the better), a large plastic bag (gallon-size is best), a rubber band, your favorite lube, and a pencil or a similar-size stick. Take the sock and turn it inside out. Stick the sock into the tube and pull it through. Take about 2" of the sock's open end and pull it over the outside of the tube. Then lube up the inside of the bag and push the bag into the open end of the sock with the pencil – enough so there's room for your penis. Pull the part of the bag that's sticking out and fold it over the outside rim of the tube and sock (so the opening is still there, of course). Secure everything in place with a rubber band around the rim, and pump into it (or pull it up and down on your penis). Note: If the bag becomes uncomfortable, feel the inside for folded corners or dry areas and adjust as necessary. For cleanup, just throw away the bag.
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