In November and December '96, a survey of JackinWorld readers was taken. Nearly 500 people responded. Nearly every U.S. state was represented, as were many other countries, including Canada, Mexico, the United Kingdom, Australia, Spain, Greece, Romania, and India.
- 53.6% were under the age of 21; 46.4% were 21 or older.
- 1.5% were age 12 or younger.
- 2.5% were age 13.
- 3.7% were age 14.
- 6.4% were age 15.
- 4.8% were age 16.
- 6.4% were age 17.
- 10.9% were ages 18-20.
Most JackinWorld readers are teenage boys, although it's also visited by adult men who have enjoyed masturbation for many years. The younger readers are more or less spread evenly in age from 13 to 20, with a handful younger than 13.
At the time the survey was taken, it looked like JackinWorld wasn't reaching the beginners as it was originally intended. If you have a younger brother whom you feel would benefit from JackinWorld (or a son if you're an adult), please give him the JackinWorld URL: He'll be very glad you did!
Masturbation Experience
- 99.5% had masturbated at some time before reading JackinWorld.
- 13-year-olds: began masturbating at average age of 11.5.
- 14-year-olds: began masturbating at average age of 11.0.
- 15-year-olds: began masturbating at average age of 11.0.
- 16-year-olds: began masturbating at average age of 11.4.
- 17-year-olds: began masturbating at average age of 11.8.
- 18- to 20-year-olds: began masturbating at average age of 12.2.
- Men 40 years and older: began masturbating at average age of 12.4.
It may appear that boys are masturbating at a slightly younger age than they did 20 or 30 years ago. The vast majority of males, regardless of date of birth or location, begin masturbating between the ages of 11 and 13. A few discover it sooner, and a few discover it later in their teens, or (rarely) well into adulthood.
Masturbation Frequency
- 13-year-olds: average 21 times per week (low = 3; high = 42).
- 14-year-olds: average 15 times per week (low = 7; high = 24).
- 15-year-olds: average 9 times per week (low = 2; high = 21).
- 16-year-olds: average 11 times per week (low = 2; high = 21).
- 17-year-olds: average 10 times per week (low = 2; high = 21).
- 18- to 20-year-olds: average 9 times per week (low = 1; high = 14).
- Men 40 years and older: average 6.3 times per week (low = 0.1; high =25).
The majority of teen boys masturbate at least once per day. 13-year olds masturbate an average of three times per day -- more than twice as often as boys just two years older. Overall, teen boys masturbate only slightly more often than adult men over age 40 -- at least among JackinWorld visitors.
Penis Size
- 13-year-olds: average 5.2" (low = 4"; high = 7")
- 14-year-olds: average 5.9" (low = 4.5"; high = 7")
- 15-year-olds: average 6.2" (low = 5"; high = 7")
- 16-year-olds: average 6.2" (low = 4"; high = 8.5")
- 17-year-olds: average 6.1" (low = 3.5"; high = 7.5")
- 18- to 20-year-olds: average 6.1" (low = 4"; high = 9")
- Men 21 years and older: 6.2" (low = 4"; high = 11")
Boys' penises grow close to their full adult size by about age 15. The vast majority of older boys, as well as adult men, have penises that measure between 5" and 7" when erect.
Among teen boys, about two-thirds use some form of lubrication, the most popular being spit, hand lotion, K-Y Jelly, and soap. Among adult men, about the same amount use lube, but they tend to prefer commercial lubricants like K-Y and Astroglide. Some of the more interesting lubricants mentioned were hair conditioner, egg whites, chocolate, vegetable oil, and mud.
The most popular grip by far is the "fist"; with the "backhand" and "five-finger" trailing behind. A few prefer the "three-finger"; and a number of JackinWorld readers like to make a circle with their thumb and forefinger and stimulate the head the their penis that way.
The Typical JackinWorld Reader
The typical (younger) JackinWorld reader is 14 or 15 years old, has masturbated once or twice a day since he was 11, has a 6" penis, and uses the "fist" grip and occasionally the "backhand," with spit as a lube.
So What's "Normal"?
You can't really be "abnormal" with regard to anything on this survey. However, we can tell you if you're similar to most boys. If you masturbate anywhere from three times a week to three times a day, began when you were between the ages of 10 and 14, and have a penis that measures between five and seven inches, you're similar to about two-thirds of boys your age.