We conducted this Survey to celebrate JackinWorld's 5th Anniversary of Web existence. It was open for about a week. After duplicate, frivolous, and significantly incomplete submissions were eliminated, we had 5,005 total responses. Most questions were left unanswered by 0.2%-0.4% of people; except where noted, the percentages in the results below reflect only those who did answer the question. (To read the results of previous JackinWorld Surveys, go here.)
1. What was your age at your last birthday?
Average: 22.8
2. How long ago was your first JackinWorld visit?
o less than 6 months ago 20.5% (average age: 21.6)
o 6 months to a year ago 17.2%
o 1-2 years ago 32.6%
o 2-3 years ago 17.0%
o 3-4 years ago 8.4%
o more than 4 years ago 4.3% (average age: 26.0)
3. What is your primary motivation to visit JackinWorld?
o To learn new masturbation techniques 30.2%
o To feel more comfortable with the idea of masturbation 10.1%
o To learn more about how my peers feel about masturbation 29.4%
o It's a sexual turn-on for me 30.2%
4. Which of the following best describes your experience with orgasm & ejaculation?
o As far as I know, I've never experienced an orgasm 1.5%
o I experienced orgasm before I could ejaculate 44.8%
o The first time I had an orgasm was also the first time I ejaculated 53.8%
5. How possible would it be for you to masturbate to orgasm and not fantasize or look at visual material -- to concentrate only on the feelings you're experiencing?
o I do this all the time 14.1%
o I can do it and have done it 54.4%
o I might be able to do it 23.5%
o I don't think I could reach orgasm this way 8.0%
6. How do you feel about masturbating with your non-dominant hand? (i.e., your left hand if you're right-handed)
o It's the way I normally masturbate 8.2%
o I have no problem switching hands and masturbating with either one 42.6%
o It feels awkward for me to masturbate with my other hand, so I rarely or never do it 48.2%
o Neither hand works for me; I masturbate without using my hands 1.1%
7. If you had the opportunity to have sex with the person of your dreams whenever you wanted, after 6 months of this, how often do you think you would masturbate alone?
o Absolutely never 8.8%
o Occasionally, but not nearly as often as I would if the person weren't in my life 57.2%
o Not too much less often than I would if the person weren't in my life 19.3%
o About as much as I would if the person weren't in my life 14.8%
8. From your experience, which of the following best describes the connection between masturbation and nocturnal emissions ("wet dreams")?
o They seem independent -- sometimes I masturbate and sometimes I have nocturnal emissions, and they don't seem to affect each other 8.4%
o They seem connected -- when I don't masturbate for a while, I sometimes have a nocturnal emission, and when I'm masturbating regularly, I don't have nocturnal emissions 19.2%
o I masturbate regularly and don't have nocturnal emissions 72.5%
9. On the Kinsey scale of 0 to 6 (0 being very heterosexual), where would you place your sexual preference?
o 0 (very heterosexual) 20.3%
o 1 24.9%
o 2 20.4%
o 3 (evenly bisexual) 9.9%
o 4 10.0%
o 5 8.0%
o 6 (very homosexual) 6.5%
Average "Kinsey score": 2.14
10. On the previous question, what factor was most important in your determining your own sexual preference?
o The people I prefer to have sex with (or would prefer to, if I had the opportunity) 26.2%
o My sexual fantasies 24.5%
o Which gender's body turns me on more visually 29.2%
o Which gender I feel more emotionally attracted to 20.2%
11. When you fantasize while masturbating (skip this question if you never fantasize), how often do thoughts of other males -- or at least certain parts of them! -- enter into your mind?
o Never -- I'm as straight as they come, baby 13.6%
o I have these thoughts occasionally, but I think mostly about females 34.6%
o I have these thoughts quite often, but I try not to have them when I masturbate 11.5%
o I have these thoughts much more often than female-oriented thoughts, and have no problem with that 40.3%
(2.4% left the question blank)
12. How open are you to the idea of frankly and openly discussing masturbation with a close guy friend?
o Sounds good -- either I do discuss it with my male friends and enjoy it, or I would if I had the opportunity 51.6%
o I might consider it if the circumstances were right 38.3%
o I'm not interested 10.1%
13. How open are you to the idea of masturbating with a close guy friend?
o Very open, to both masturbating in the same room and masturbating each other 45.6%
o I'd masturbate in the same room with a male friend, but I wouldn't want us to touch each other 11.6%
o I might experiment, but the conditions would have to be just right 26.5%
o I'm not interested 16.3%
14. Which of the following best describes your feelings about stimulating your nipples when you masturbate?
o I've never really thought about it 45.6%
o It weirds me out, so I'm not interested in doing it 10.5%
o I sometimes do it 38.0%
o I do it all the time 5.7% (average Kinsey score: 3.2)
15. Which of the following best describes your feelings about stimulating your anus when you masturbate?
o I've never really thought about it 18.8%
o It weirds me out, so I'm not interested in doing it 24.6%
o I sometimes do it 51.9%
o I do it all the time 4.6% (average Kinsey score: 3.3)
16. How do you feel about JackinWorld mentioning things like anal stimulation, nipple stimulation, and masturbating with friends?
o I don't like it -- these topics are too "gay" 4.9% (average Kinsey score: 0.8) (average age: 18.9)
o I probably wouldn't think about such things on my own, but I'm open to reading about them 30.6% (average Kinsey score: 1.2) (average age: 21.2)
o Reading about some or all of these things turns me on, though I'm not necessarily interested in trying them 32.9% (average Kinsey score: 2.0) (average age: 23.1)
o Give me more! These ideas turn me on, and they're part of my sex life with other people as well 31.6% (average Kinsey score: 3.3) (average age: 24.7)
17. Which of the following best describes your feelings about circumcision?
o I am circumcised and like my penis 59.8%
o I am circumcised and feel like I was mutilated when I was circumcised 8.3%
o I am uncircumcised and like my penis 28.7%
o I am uncircumcised and would rather be circumcised 3.3%
Total circumcised: 68.0%, 87.9% of whom are happy with their penis
Total uncircumcised: 32.0%, 89.8% of whom are happy with their penis
18. Which of the following best describes your feelings about body hair?
o I'm fine with the amount of body hair I have 40.1%
o I wish I were more hairy all over 5.0%
o I wish I were less hairy all over 23.9%
o I wish certain parts of me were more hairy or less hairy, while other parts stayed the same 31.0%
19. If you were given the opportunity to experience one of the following for a single masturbation session, which would you choose?
o I'd have a much bigger penis 54.0%
o I'd be able to ejaculate much farther than I normally do 18.4%
o I'd be able to ejaculate much more semen than I normally do 27.6%
20. If you were having intercourse with someone, how much of a turn-on would it be if they kept telling you how big your penis is?
o That's a huge turn-on -- keep it up, baby! 33.1%
o Saying it a few times is okay, but let's not dwell on it 57.9%
o Shut the frick up! 9.0%
21. Erogenous zones: Please rate the following parts of your body by how sensitive they are to erotic touch. For each, ask yourself how much of a turn-on it would be to be touched there by another person.
o Very sensitive -- keep going! 44.1%
o Somewhat sensitive 42.0%
o Not particularly sensitive 12.7%
o Not interested -- don't touch me there! 1.2%
Inner thighs
o Very sensitive -- keep going! 36.3%
o Somewhat sensitive 42.1%
o Not particularly sensitive 19.1%
o Not interested -- don't touch me there! 2.4%
o Very sensitive -- keep going! 30.1%
o Somewhat sensitive 30.0%
o Not particularly sensitive 16.4%
o Not interested -- don't touch me there! 23.5%
Soles of the feet
o Very sensitive -- keep going! 12.0%
o Somewhat sensitive 21.7%
o Not particularly sensitive 37.1%
o Not interested -- don't touch me there! 29.3
o Very sensitive -- keep going! 20.6%
o Somewhat sensitive 37.6%
o Not particularly sensitive 30.8%
o Not interested -- don't touch me there! 11.0%
o Very sensitive -- keep going! 8.5%
o Somewhat sensitive 20.0%
o Not particularly sensitive 33.3%
o Not interested -- don't touch me there! 38.4%
o Very sensitive -- keep going! 21.8%
o Somewhat sensitive 28.2%
o Not particularly sensitive 29.4%
o Not interested -- don't touch me there!20.6%
The least popular erogenous zones -- the armpits and soles of the feet -- are also the most ticklish. (Although some people like to be tickled, most don't consider it a turn-on.) The scrotum (of course) and inner thighs are the most popular erogenous zones.