It causes me to ejaculate very soon, and I think I have a premature-ejaculation problem. Are these contractions normal, or should I try to resist them? And if they are normal, should I continue trying to build to climax and stop just before ejaculation to delay the orgasm?
- age 18, Ohio
I'd say you should try to work with the contractions rather than either ignoring them (which wouldn't solve anything) or resist them (which would probably be frustrating and perhaps ineffective). When you feel your orgasm approaching – even if it starts to happen after only a few seconds – slow down or stop completely and rest. Learn what these contractions are telling you about how your body is reacting to the stimulus, and learn to provide just enough stimulation to keep you "on the edge" – that is, a level of stimulation that causes pleasure without sending you over the edge to orgasm. Keep this up for 10 or 20 minutes and then let go. You need to learn to prolong the stimulation and delay ejaculation if you want to become a good sexual partner.