No matter what anybody says, I know that's too big for my age, or almost anybody's age. My question concerns the hormones pumped into animals these days to stimulate growth and food production (e.g., cows for milk and turkeys for roasting). Could this possibly be the culprit of my over-adequate size?
- age 14, Washington
I'm not a doctor, but I'd say that's next to impossible. First, you're eating the same beef, turkey, and milk that everyone else is eating, so wouldn't everyone your age have the same condition? Second, if the concentrations of artificial hormones were high enough to affect penis growth (which I'm not even sure they could), you'd be experiencing other symptoms – like abnormally dense body hair, or acromegaly (abnormal accumulation of bone mass).
While you may consider your penis too large, it's a part of you, and you should learn to accept it. In fact, try to be thankful, because your health could be in a lot worse shape than it is now.
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