I know that you can't make your penis bigger with pills. But what about ejaculate size? Can vitamin supplements or special "volume" pills make you ejaculate as much as 500% more? Peter North, a man known for big ejaculations, is the poster boy for one kind of enhancement pill. Is there any truth to their claims?
Well, you're correct that a pill is more likely to make you ejaculate more than it is to make your penis grow (which is impossible). However, whatever a pill company's claims are, you can probably do just as well with zinc and lecithin supplements. (Use zinc supplements in moderation; too much zinc intake can be dangerous.) For some guys, these nutrients do have a noticeable effect on ejaculation volume, and they're a lot cheaper and easier to get. In general, stay away from mail-order pills sold by less-than-reputable companies; you really don't know what's in them, and their claims are almost always untrue or at least greatly exaggerated. Finally, on the social responsibility side, you should never do anything to support businesses that advertise via spam or that target people's sexual insecurities.
Do you find yourself masturbating more often during some seasons than others? Why?
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