That is a very interesting question! I don't, but let's do some calculations and come up with a conservative ballpark figure. Let's start with men. There are roughly 5 billion people in the world, or 2.5 billion males. Let's say 1.5 billion of those are teenagers or older. Of those, let's guess that 1 billion masturbate regularly. Continuing to make conservative estimates, let's guess that the average masturbation frequency of those 1 billion males is 3 times a week, and that the average duration of a masturbation session is 15 minutes. Taking into account 3 billion masturbation sessions per week, each lasting 0.25 hours, or 0.011 days, or 0.0015 weeks, the figures suggest that at any given time, roughly 4.5 million (3,000,000,000 x 0.0015) males are masturbating. It doesn't seem unreasonable to round that up to 5 million to take females into account. Remember that the next time you are masturbating – you are definitely not alone!
Do you find yourself masturbating more often during some seasons than others? Why?
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