Kegels for Men: Comments

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how old do you have to be to do this?

i wear my jockstrap while doing this it makes amazing orgasms

A nice variation to kegels is to wear a jockstrap or tight briefs under your jeans. Start moving your pelvic muscles and think of anything sexy, your erect penis will rub against the pouch of your jockstrap and give you great pleasure. Then, as your pouch grows into a bulge, it will rub against the denim. Great sensations, can be done anywere and no mess, as your jockstrap keeps all the semen.

precum is an issue with this exercise, so doing it any ole time may not work for you. i just make a big wet spot on my pants. so privacy can be an issue

This is an exciting prospect. I'm in my 70's and still quite sexually active with my wife and with masturbating, but not nearly as often as when I was a lot younger. My ejaculations are next to nothing in quantity. I exercise a lot at the gym, swim, and bike ride and am quite conscious of muscle tone. However, it never occurred to me until now that those muscles need to be exercised too! I'm looking forward to this experiment.

It's great. Don't wear light colored clothes, WILL get pre-cum stains. I've been able to make myself ejaculate like that, awesome feeling. You will ejaculate harder, longer, and ejaculate more doing this method. Awesome method.

Yes. This is good as well. I haven`t trained that so much but i think i'm going to. I've don this: Right before the orgasm squeeze that muscle, then your semen come out gently not like it normally does. I believe you can "milk" yourself like that without losing a agitation. Maybe you loose it a little but not much. I believe i haven't practiced much and if you can control that muscle very much then the score is something different. I believe you can then delay several orgasms. Better for yourself and for a woman as well.

ive done this for years. i can have an orgasm without touching myself. i squeeze my kegerl and concentrate on the feeling in my groin. it takes a while but ive done it several times.

This is the BEST. I do these when I am one my way to and from work on the subway. No one even knows what is going on. Then... I'm usually so horny when I arrive home... I can't wait any long and JO. I'm up to 500 twice a day. The ride goes alot faster too. It's the best!!! But.... be careful. I was wearing light pants and thin boxers on day and got quite a good sized precum spot before I knew it. What's cool about these... they feel great and they're good for you to do. - age 43

If you're not sure of the muscles, wait until you have to urinate and then stop the flow. You will then know which muscles are involved and what it feels like. Do the exercies though when you don't have to take a piss. You don't really want to be stopping and starting your flow, but just to learn the muscles and the feeling.

This technique works great! I have been doing this since I was about 15 (am 38 now) when I read it in some magazine back then. I started doing it immediately and have done it as often as possible since. How well does it work? How about shooting semen 7 feet? When I lay on my back and ejaculate, it goes about 3 1/2 to 4 feet straight up. So do these exercises! You will love it!