Heh Funny i use to do this before we got a new shower head (the full jet was the only jet that was avaliable)
I don't really get this. You pull your foreskin back and let the water fall in it?
That was my first time and that felt so good~.Jesus im only 12 and im loving this, thanks alot.
wow i did this so much i think i scarred my penis O_o
oh my god. sooo gooooooood. that was fucking awesome
I did this once in a hot tub at a motel and the orgasm so sensational it was impossible to keep from orgasmically screaming. Everyone in the pool seemed to know what I had done. W O W !!!!!
i love wanking in the shower this is the best methord
Yes, this technique can produce spectacularly intense orgasms. However, I have notices that sometimes the contraction of the pubococcygeal muscles (the muscles between theÊscrotum and anus) is so severe that I actually experience a sharp, but tolerable pain!
shower head technique is really great I do it every day .. best when jet is etween legs jetting onto glans withforeskin retracted. jet hitting frenum to get orgas m
I have tried it and it was nice, it takes quite a while but is pretty intense, it takes a lot of discipline not to be tempted to grab the head and rub it the normal way.
I like to move the pulsating shower head back and forth like a vibrator. It feels especially good underneath at the frenum. Penis stays very hard and when I ejaculate, it feels fantastic.
If you can't adjust the shower to one large jet of water, you can let it hit you in the head and position yourself under the large stream of water that will run off the front of you hair. Be careful with this one though, if you pinch your foreskin between your fingers too long you can get a permanent sort of "blood blister" marking on your foreskin that future girlfriends may question you about!
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Heh Funny i use to do this before we got a new shower head (the full jet was the only jet that was avaliable)
I don't really get this. You pull your foreskin back and let the water fall in it?
That was my first time and that felt so good~.Jesus im only 12 and im loving this, thanks alot.
wow i did this so much i think i scarred my penis O_o
oh my god. sooo gooooooood. that was fucking awesome
I did this once in a hot tub at a motel and the orgasm so sensational it was impossible to keep from orgasmically screaming. Everyone in the pool seemed to know what I had done. W O W !!!!!
i love wanking in the shower this is the best methord
Yes, this technique can produce spectacularly intense orgasms. However, I have notices that sometimes the contraction of the pubococcygeal muscles (the muscles between theÊscrotum and anus) is so severe that I actually experience a sharp, but tolerable pain!
shower head technique is really great I do it every day .. best when jet is etween legs jetting onto glans withforeskin retracted. jet hitting frenum to get orgas m
I have tried it and it was nice, it takes quite a while but is pretty intense, it takes a lot of discipline not to be tempted to grab the head and rub it the normal way.
I like to move the pulsating shower head back and forth like a vibrator. It feels especially good underneath at the frenum. Penis stays very hard and when I ejaculate, it feels fantastic.
If you can't adjust the shower to one large jet of water, you can let it hit you in the head and position yourself under the large stream of water that will run off the front of you hair. Be careful with this one though, if you pinch your foreskin between your fingers too long you can get a permanent sort of "blood blister" marking on your foreskin that future girlfriends may question you about!