I grew up in the 1950s in Calvinistic South Africa. It was a very straight-laced and conservative place — still is, in many ways. My mom was very religious, and sex, in any form, was not a subject of discussion. At school the word "sex" was never used. We would talk of "gender" or, maybe, male and female. A form might ask what your "gender" was. At least the modern forms say "sex" — to which I always want to respond, "Yes, please!"
Anyway, when I was 8 years old, someone touched my penis for the first time. (I suppose my mom must have, but I don't remember.) She was a nurse who shaved my absolutely hairless belly and crotch before I had my appendix taken out. I had no pleasure out of it; I was only embarrassed.
When I was 9 or so I went to a Scout camp along with other Cubs and Scouts. For the first time I saw an erection. It was almost the first time I had seen another boy's penis! One of the older Scouts was bathing in a farm dam (a small lake), and he was naked but far away, so I couldn't see much. I think he knew everyone was surreptitiously watching him.
I managed to get a "you show me and I'll show you" on the go with my male and female cousins, and theirs were the first vagina and penis I ever touched, but it never went further than touch and rolling my foreskin back (he was circumcised) to see the glans.
At about 10 I went on a Scout camp as the youngest member. One of the older Scouts had forgotten his sleeping bag and had to share with another boy. In the middle of the night a boy woke us all up with a torch to show us the two sharing a sleeping bag. The one guy was wearing only a T-shirt, and he had the biggest erection I think I've ever seen. It seems that being in such close contact had started some hanky-panky and the other guy was masturbating him, not that I understood any of this.
The guys sat around watching this guy being masturbated. They chatted about "jacking off." Eventually the guy who was being masturbated decided to take over himself and knelt there doing it. I made sure I had a clear view, as I was aroused, but didn't know why or what it meant. I watched him spurt some "stuff" out. They all sat around comparing penis sizes, hair, and so on, but no one else masturbated. This led me to "trying my hand" at this, too, not that I had much of a penis then.
On some occasions, in a private place, I would do my thing. It felt good, and that was it. Then one day I started getting little sensations, like electric shocks. I kept at it and ended up in my first dry orgasm. The sensitivity of my glans was frightening. I could not touch it (I am uncircumcised). I was scared, but soon I tried it again. I remember those weird feelings in my penis and my legs. As I'd get near orgasm I had to bend my knees and spread my legs. By the time I orgasmed I would have those electric shocks in my legs, glans, and testicles.
This started me on my masturbation career, and I had fun for 4 or 6 months, until I had my first full-blown orgasm, with semen, in bed. From then on the orgasms changed in nature, and I had to use a "whack-rag" to catch the semen so as not to stain my pajamas or bed linen — although my semen was still clear and there wasn't much of it. I used to smear the semen onto my lower belly because I had little or no hair there, and I thought it might make the hair grow.
About this time I heard adults talking about "sleeping together," or saying things like, "I slept with my boyfriend and now I'm pregnant." I imagined that something would creep out of the boys and make the girls pregnant while they slept. Some creeping! I finally got it together and figured out how girls got pregnant. A boy up the road was totally uninhibited and used to masturbate in class (not that the teacher knew) and in the bus going home. I never saw this happen, but it was common knowledge at school.
I always wanted to masturbate with another guy, but my cousin (who was younger) had no interest, my best friend died, and another friend I nearly masturbated with went into the toilet to do it on his own. It's a habit I have never lost, even as a married man. I still fail to understand why men and women get so worked up about a boy "caught" masturbating. If a boy didn't, then I'd worry!
I'd like to mention two things unrelated to my story. First, some guys have "loose" testicles they can turn in the scrotal bag, either just of their own or when fondled during masturbation or sex. When this happens (torsion), the blood supply is shut off and the testicle becomes extremely painful. This is an emergency — if one of your testes or your scrotum hurts real bad, don't wait — get help and don't be shy. Torsion can cause the loss of a testicle! Second, almost all literature about orgasm mentions that the testes swell just before orgasm, up to double their size. However, medical books tell us that the coating of the testes is tough and inelastic. One of them must be wrong.
Do you find yourself masturbating more often during some seasons than others? Why?
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Sex: Yes, please!