I've been aware of the pleasures of my penis for as long as I can remember. One vivid memory is that of my mother getting after me for playing with it during my baths as a small child. For my mother it became such an issue that she went so far as to take me to the doctor because of the chronic habit. Of course, he found nothing abnormal. I was embarrassed, but I let nothing deter me. At night I continued playing with my penis away from my mother's watchful eyes. At such a young age, I knew nothing of orgasm or ejaculation; all I knew was that it felt good to rub my penis. I would usually stroke until I tired and fell asleep.
Years went by and I continued to pleasure myself in such a way. As a precocious child, I knew of puberty long before the changes began in me. I was not startled when my voice began cracking or hair began to appear on my testicles and armpits. Nor was I suprised when my penis began to grow at a rapid rate. I also knew that eventually, I would ejaculate. I had a feeling something in my masturbation method was preventing such an event, however.
All that changed when I was in middle school. During a history class, the teacher was called to the office unexpectedly. While she was away, one of the "popular" guys somehow got onto the subject of masturbation. Even though it was obvious he was trying to make the class laugh, I could see a grain of truth in what he was saying. He described a method in which he rubbed lotion all over his penis and "fisted" it. As he began making the associated hand motions, I could feel my own penis become very hard. I couldn't wait until I had the opportunity to try this new method for myself.
My opportunity came a few days later when I decided to play sick. My mother and father fell for the trick, and I had the house to myself for a whole day while they were busy at work. I began my adventure by carefully rooting through my dad's chest of drawers, where I found a porn video that sounded enticing. Although I had seen the videos before and had been curious about watching one, I hadn't dared. This time, however, my adrenaline was pumping and I wasn't worried about my father finding out about the tape. I was concerned only about experiencing what the kid from class had described.
I put the tape in the VCR and pushed play. The images that appeared on the screen were so intense, I almost didn't attempt my new method. I just furiously rubbed at my erect penis through the fabric of my jeans. Fortunately, I came to my senses and sat down with the bottle of lotion I had taken from my sister's bedroom. I dropped my pants, and still watching the video, drizzled lotion on my penis. The kid from class should have told me to warm the lotion first — it was freezing! After the initial shock, I was back in the mood. I closed my eyes and tried remembering every word the kid from class had used to describe his technique. I realized that if I pictured him actually maturbating himself, I became even more aroused. Having never maturbated with the "fist" method or with lube, I was in ecstacy. The sensation of my hand sliding ever so rapidly up and down my penis was mindblowing. Every once in a while, I would open my eyes and look at the action on the screen, but for the most part I would maintain my own "movie" in my head featuring the kid from class giving me a private tutorial.
As I stroked faster and faster, and thinking my arm was about to fall off, a feeling like I had never felt before began to consume me. It centered in the head of my penis but radiated outwards like sunbeams. I felt my toes curl up, and I couldn't help but moan out loud. Everything but the intense feeling left my mind, and I looked down at my penis. As I experienced my first true orgasm, I saw a big drop of semen ooze from my penis. Understandably, when this happens to most young men, they are afraid or nervous. Having expected this such event for some time, however, I was very proud and excited. It was as if this event signified my advent into manhood.
I probably masturbated at least 5 more times that day before my parents came home. For the next several years I alternated between my old standby (dry "skin-flick" method) and my new "fist" technique. I loved both, but as I entered my early 20s, I longed for something new.
Enter JackinWorld. Discovering a Web site with so many techniques opened up many doors to me. And now, at age 23, I have tried almost all of them. I believe that masturbation is a wonderful and healthy sport. I masturbate about 4 times a day (more on weekends) and encourage everyone to do it as much as physically possible. You know what they say — whatever doesn't kill you only makes you stronger!
Do you find yourself masturbating more often during some seasons than others? Why?
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Radiated like sunbeams