My first masturbation-related experience happened when I was around 9 years old. The gym at my school had a couple thick ropes that went all the way to the ceiling, and we would climb them every so often in gym class. I discovered that if I climbed up the ropes and then held my position long enough, I would get a really funny, but good, feeling between my legs. Another way I got this mysterious feeling was to hang onto a wooden bar and lift my legs off the ground for a minute or two. Since I had not gone through puberty yet, I did not have to worry about ejaculating and having to clean my underwear. Almost every time I had gym class, I would try to get this wonderful feeling, but after a while I forgot about it.
When I was around 12, I remembered this wonderful feeling I got in gym class, and I decided I should try it again. I picked out a spot at home where I could hold on to and lift my feet off the ground, the same way I did it in school. The next time I was home alone, I went into action! After a minute or so, I started to get the same wonderful feeling between my legs, and I was so excited that I was still able to do this. But this time I got a little surprise: I ejaculated a sticky white substance into my underwear. At the time I had no idea what is was. For the next several months this was how I masturbated: I'd hold onto something solid that was about 5 feet off the ground and then lift my legs towards my stomach (taking one or two breaks so I wouldn't kill my arms) until I ejaculated. To catch the semen, I would wrap some toilet paper around my erect penis with an elastic to hold it in place (not too tight). This method produced great orgasms, but it had its drawbacks: I needed to be home alone, and it was not easy on the arms. So I decided to find another way I could masturbate.
The next method I tried was lying naked on the sofa, on my stomach, and moving up and down to rub my penis. I never ejaculated using this way, as I realized the cleanup could prove a bit difficult, especially trying to explain to my parents any new stains. I quickly graduated to the bathroom and using my hand; the cleanup was easy, and I could masturbate more often without arousing my parents' suspicions.
By age 13 I was masturbating daily, and naturally I became quite curious about it. One day I asked my cousin if he could make white stuff come out of his penis, and he said no. He was 12 and just as curious about it as I was, so I showed him how I did it. We both got naked and I started to show him how to masturbate; he then started to rub his penis, too. After a couple of minutes, I ejaculated, but he couldn't, so we stopped. From that point on, we would talk about masturbation, sex, and girls whenever we were alone. We also continued to masturbate in front of each other, and after about 6 months or so, he was able to ejaculate, too. Besides some friends at school, he was the only person I ever discussed sex with, as I was (and still am) too embarrassed to discuss it with my parents. For about the next two years, we were very open with each other about sex and masturbating, and we even experimented a little whenever we were alone. Because of this experience, we both learned a lot about sex and our bodies. We soon moved onto other interests (namely, girls), but that didn't stop me from masturbating on my own and trying new techniques.
You'd think that as a result of these experiences, I would be comfortable being nude in front of someone, but that wasn't the case. The first time I saw my cousin naked, I had pubic hair and he only had a little bit, and my penis was slightly larger than his, although we never measured them that first time. Eventually he outgrew me: erect he was 7 inches cut and I was 5.5 inches uncut; with no erection he was 4 inches and I was 2 inches. I am now 27 and my penis has not grown any since then. Although I still think of myself as having a "little boy's penis" because of my small non-erect size, I am slowly accepting it and am becoming less self-conscious. The way I have overcome this is by meeting my fear face-on and going to a nude beach. You learn to realize that there are a million different shapes and sizes and not to worry about yours.
Over the years I tried many different masturbation methods, many of which are listed on this site, but I regularly use only two. Most of the time I use the hand method either in the shower or just sitting on the toilet; this is quick and the cleanup is easy. If I'm home alone I also sometimes lie naked on my bed and ejaculate onto my stomach. I find that a little cooking oil makes a great lubricant.
By far the method that gives me the most intense orgasms is the pillow method. My variation involves a plastic bag, with some cooking oil to lubricate the inside of the bag and my penis. I place the bag between the cushions of the couch face up, and I insert my penis into the bag and then pump up and down. It takes anywhere from 20 to 30 minutes for me to ejaculate, and when I do, it is very intense; I can still feel my muscles contracting a good 30 seconds or more after I have ejaculated! The only cautions for this method are: get a bag with no holes, don't break the bag by pumping too forcefully, and make sure you are alone!
Masturbating has certainly played a big role in my life, as it has for many guys, and I believe it helped me to have only a few "wet dreams" as I was going through puberty. I hope that by reading this, others will learn from my experiences, and hopefully overcome any embarrassment about their penis size.
Do you find yourself masturbating more often during some seasons than others? Why?
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Nude beach