The first time I ever heard of masturbation, I was 13. I had been in a chat room and was dared to masturbate. I told everyone I was doing it, even though I didn't know what it was. A few minutes later I asked a 17-year-old guy who was also in the chat room; he told me what is was and how to do it. Later that night, at around 10 p.m., I went into the bathroom and tried it. I didn't understand the feelings it gave me, but I kept going until orgasm. No semen came out, and it felt painful to me. I promised myself I wouldn't try it again because of the discomfort.
The next night I had a strong feeling to do it again. I went down to the bathroom at about the same time as the night before and decided to just not do it all the way like the night before. I got to the "point of no return" and orgasmed, which felt painful like the night before.
This continued for a few weeks, but there was less pain each time. In October of that year, after my August birthday, I masturbated again but something was different — this time, a single drop of semen came out of he tip of my penis. I panicked at first, not realizing what it was or what I should do about it. Then I came to my senses and got some toilet paper, wiped it up, and flushed it. I continued to masturbate once every day or so like I had been. Every month I would have noticeably more semen. This continued for a few months.
Within one year of discovering masturbation, I noticed that my penis had gotten a lot longer. When I had started it was around 4" erect, 2 1/4" soft. A year later it was about 5 1/2" erect. I had started measuring my penis, because about a month before the first time I had semen I heard someone at school say that a penis had to be 2 1/2" inches soft in order to ejaculate. I'm still not sure if that is true or not [it isn't], but it led to me frequently checking.
My trips to the bathroom were nightly, and I would sometimes masturbate while home alone instead of during the night. Sometimes I would panic when masturbating, because when I would get really close to orgasm, I would hear the front door open and one of my family members would come in, although they have never "caught" me.
I would also frequently masturbate in the shower. Once when I was home alone taking a shower I accidentally left the bathroom door open, which gives a clear view from the shower/bathtub to the front door. My sister walked into the house when I was about halfway through the shower when she closed the bathroom door. It was right after I decided not to masturbate. I was still very nervous that day after that had happened.
About 6 months after I first had semen come out of my penis, I started to "cam" for people online. I would masturbate with other guys this way, since I'm afraid to ask someone in person. I still do this sometimes but not nearly as often, and I still talk to some of the guys (and a few girls).
I have enjoyed masturbation very much since I started. I still use the same method (fist) but I now do it in my room occasionally, which I used to be afraid to do because of cleanup. I now masturbate at least once every 3 days, but usually once every other day. I haven't used any pornography, except on a few occasions. When I masturbate I just do it and concentrate on it, or visualize someone I like down there working on it.
I don't masturbate in the shower very much because I noticed that it doubles my normal shower time. Instead, I usually do it in my room or standing at the toilet late at night. When I masturbate in my room I use a pair of briefs to clean up; at the toilet I ejaculate into the toilet and wipe it off my penis with toilet paper.
Since the first time I masturbated, orgasm hasn't seen as dramatic as it first was, but I still enjoy it and will keep at it.
Do you find yourself masturbating more often during some seasons than others? Why?
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