My biography contains three big events: getting started, JackinWorld, and JackInsider.
When I was about 15 I decided I liked my wet dreams so much that I wanted to have one while awake. I started stroking my penis. After a while I ejaculated. What a disappointment. Results were a few squirts of semen and not much more. After I few days I tried it again -- with terrific results. It was super! Great! Wonderful! Indescribable! I was hooked! I started taking lots of long showers. I became the cleanest kid I town!
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The cleanest kid in town
If at first you don't succeed..
My history started when I was about 13. I was being nosy and was searching my mom's room. I found a "better sex" book, so I opened it and read all about how to do this and how to do that and stuff. Then I got to the "self gratification" section. It said most guys start masturbating around the age of 13, and I was like, whoa, wait a minute -- how come nobody told ME this? So I read how to do it. Well, I tried and tried for 3 months to ejaculate. I couldn't get all the way -- I could feel it coming, but my arm would get tired before I could ejaculate.
Let it snow
At age 15 (late!) I finally got bored enough to keep playing with myself and a nice, softly lined snow glove until the inevitable happened. I was so surprised, I actually stopped after one squirt. Later, I went to the bathroom and lay on the floor until I was ready to ejaculate and then ran over to the toilet. I masturbated for a few months "dry" with that glove, until it stank to high hell, and I got rid of it and used other things like my socks or underwear. But I was still quite sore after good sessions.