I was never very conscious of erections, and at first, they were a pain — a needless, useless wonder. I'd get one, and if I noticed, I'd tap it to try to rid of it. At sleepovers when I was very young, friends would ask what they were. I had no idea, and told them so. This continued until I was about 10, at which point I decided (or was told) that erections were something to be hidden and covered up. Ironically, it was this decision/command that piqued my curiosity.
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Piqued curiosity
Book report
Growing up in a fairly (or depending upon how you look at it, unfairly) religious family, I was extremely naive about many things. One of those things was my penis. I don't remember taking note of my penis before age 14 — seriously, it was there so I could pee. Then one day, at the small private school I was attending, a new student that year (with whom I had recently made friends) made an interesting gesture with his hand in front of his groin after saying a joke.
Bean-bag chair
I'm 35 now. I started masturbating before I'd heard about what it was, probably when I was 11. I'm not sure, maybe it was 10 — but I do remember that I was in bed in the morning before getting up for school, lying on my back and pushing my erection down between my thighs and letting it spring back up. I found that this felt really good, and I'd just lie there for several minutes, doing it over and over until the feeling got too intense and I'd stop.
Reciprocating device
My wife and I are in our mid 60s, with two lovely daughters in their mid 30s, and have a long history of masturbation to relate. Masturbation — and my penis in particular — has played a major part in my life, from a very early age.
Third cabin
I didn't discover masturbation until after puberty. Fortunately, puberty came early, when I was 11 years old. For a few months, I had erections but didn't know why. My stiff penis itched and tingled, but I didn't know what to do about it. In the privacy of my bedroom I would admire it and bat it from side to side. Somehow, I knew that this was something normal and enjoyed it. My father had discussed sex with me in a conversation so abstract that I didn't really understand anything. His closest description of sex was that men "had contact" with women.
Human vase
I live in the Great White North — Canada. I started masturbating when I was 12; I remember it distinctly. I had a bad stomach ache, and my mom said it would help if I went to sleep with a pillow under my hips to sort of stretch out my stomach. I did so, but I wasn't feeling so good and wasn't about to fall asleep, so I put the pillow between my legs and tried to fall asleep on my side. I then started coughing, and my pelvis started to rock back and forth, rubbing my penis against the pillow. I got an erection very fast, and I liked it so I kept thrusting against the pillow.
Yearning in my loins
Me, my life, and my masturbation habits: This is the story of my life, or at least my life that started around the time I was 12 years old. Changes began to occur that would ultimately alter the way I would live for the rest of my days. Fantasizing, feelings about girls, and the yearning in my loins started to take complete control of my groin, and all the while during this change, I worried none. I realized I was starting to finally become a man.
Naked Wars
Masturbation has played an important role in my life for a long time. I can remember as far back as kindergarten, being curious of other people's bodies, including my friends' at school. In the bathroom, I would wonder if anyone else looked like me, and I even used to think I had something that other people didn't until I realized that my other male friends had the same body part as me. I continued this curiosity for a long time, and when I would take baths with other people, or even with my brother, I always asked questions.
Two spoonfuls of blood
I cannot remember when I began masturbating, but I must have been 5 or 6. I always did it lying on my stomach and rubbing against a hard mattress. I'd never been told not to do it, didn't know anybody else did, and didn't know any name for it. I somehow had the idea, though, that I shouldn't do it where I could be seen. My sister, a couple years younger, slept in the same room, so I had to wait until she was asleep. I even remember urging her to go on to sleep, so naturally she tried to stay awake.
Cupped hands
I discovered masturbation at age 15, which I suppose is quite late. My friends in school were increasingly talking about "wanking," and through these conversations (and the hand-actions) I learned what it was all about but had never actually tried it myself. One night I was feeling particularly horny, so gave it a go, using the simple "fist" method that most people start with. It felt better than I had expected. However, when the orgasm came, I didn't know what was happening, and I suddenly realized I was ejaculating and had nothing to catch it in.