I remember the first time I felt my penis getting an erection. I was scared! I used to go to sleep in my room by myself, and for the first time, at 12 years of age, started to become curious about my body and genitals and started to massage them. I remember getting an erection and starting to masturbate, even though I felt scared of having an erection, thinking something was wrong with me — but I kept going because it felt good. I continued and continued until I felt this tingling feeling rushing through my body.
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Soul Food
I started masturbating a little earlier than many people. When I was 11 years old, I discovered the wonderful art of masturbation while watching the movie Soul Food with my family. There was a scene in the movie where two of the characters had sex against the wall, which aroused me a lot. After the movie was over, I couldn't control my small erection, so when it was time to go to bed, I decided to see if I could make it go away by rubbing myself against the wall, pretending to be having sex just as the characters did in the movie.
Charlie horse
Just as a young teen may remember his first home run or his first choir solo, I remember my first solo with my sexuality. It's definitely something that will always be with me. I was in 7th grade at the time, and I was fantasizing about a new friend I had made. Actually, fantasy was only part of the act — I was also occasionally glancing at a Baywatch episode. At this time I was almost completely straight, and the firm breasts really did it for me. I had been getting erections since I could remember, but by this time I knew that I was capable of much more.
Two spoonfuls of blood
I cannot remember when I began masturbating, but I must have been 5 or 6. I always did it lying on my stomach and rubbing against a hard mattress. I'd never been told not to do it, didn't know anybody else did, and didn't know any name for it. I somehow had the idea, though, that I shouldn't do it where I could be seen. My sister, a couple years younger, slept in the same room, so I had to wait until she was asleep. I even remember urging her to go on to sleep, so naturally she tried to stay awake.
Carry on, men!
I am a 41-year-old male in an upper-management position in the finance industry. Masturbation has been a "lifetime companion" — from the time I reached puberty until the present I have masturbated two or three times a day and still enjoy a very active sex life with my partner. I remember the first time I masturbated: I was 12 years old and woke up one morning with a white crust on my stomach. My parents had taught me about sex when I was only 5 or 6, so I was aware what had happened that night and knew what it meant — I could achieve orgasm!
Nude beach
My first masturbation-related experience happened when I was around 9 years old. The gym at my school had a couple thick ropes that went all the way to the ceiling, and we would climb them every so often in gym class. I discovered that if I climbed up the ropes and then held my position long enough, I would get a really funny, but good, feeling between my legs. Another way I got this mysterious feeling was to hang onto a wooden bar and lift my legs off the ground for a minute or two.
Right-hand percussion
My tenure as a masturbator began over Christmas vacation when I was 14. I had always heard about people masturbating, but it seemed to be something that lonely, pathetic people did. I had a notion that I would be less of a male if I did it because I couldn't get the real thing. Wild, eh?
Cupped hands
I discovered masturbation at age 15, which I suppose is quite late. My friends in school were increasingly talking about "wanking," and through these conversations (and the hand-actions) I learned what it was all about but had never actually tried it myself. One night I was feeling particularly horny, so gave it a go, using the simple "fist" method that most people start with. It felt better than I had expected. However, when the orgasm came, I didn't know what was happening, and I suddenly realized I was ejaculating and had nothing to catch it in.
The penis game
I was exposed to masturbation at a very young age. I started doing it when I was 8, but back then I had no idea what I was doing. I just remember humping the couch and having this incredible feeling come over me every time I did it. I didn't know what it was called; I just referred to it as "the penis game." My religious parents would sometimes catch me doing it and warned me against it, not because they thought it was immoral, but because they thought I was too young to be exposed to sex.
Paper trail
My first recollection of my own sexuality is about 5th grade or so. I remember having some sort of sore muscle in my arm or back, so I went to get the electronic back massager we had. I was sitting on my bed using this when it occurred to me for some reason I shall never know: "I wonder what this would feel like on my penis?" Not being one to wonder for long, I put it down there, and it felt good — so I decided to leave it there. After a few minutes, everything began to tense up and I didn't know if it was hurting or feeling good, but I left it there, and finally, I had my first orgasm.