I remember having sexual feelings and getting erections as a young boy. I watched animals copulating on the farm and was normally curious about sex. My first sex-play experience happened when I was 9 or 10. A guy my age from school stayed overnight and we shared the same bed in my room. He started talking about his penis and pulled down his pajamas to show me how it was bent to one side and how he wanted to straighten it. He wanted to see mine to compare, so I took it out. It seemed smaller, though average, and I was curious about his, too.
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Tied fingers
If you think Chinese people don't talk much about sex, you are right. It's just the case here, where I live. I'm from Shanghai, a city in China.
It was in a restaurant, which was next to my middle school. I still clearly remember: I was having lunch with one of my friends. Strangely enough, he suddenly whispered to me, "Masturbation — it feels so great. You shoot out semen. My brother taught me this. I teach you?"
Radiated like sunbeams
I've been aware of the pleasures of my penis for as long as I can remember. One vivid memory is that of my mother getting after me for playing with it during my baths as a small child. For my mother it became such an issue that she went so far as to take me to the doctor because of the chronic habit. Of course, he found nothing abnormal. I was embarrassed, but I let nothing deter me. At night I continued playing with my penis away from my mother's watchful eyes. At such a young age, I knew nothing of orgasm or ejaculation; all I knew was that it felt good to rub my penis.
Cold hip bath
I'm 74 years old. Several years ago I came across JackinWorld. If only this information had been available when I was growing up. All you readers, particularly you younger ones, are extremely fortunate to have such a special Web site, which provides important, sought after information.
Father-mother play
I have been masturbating regularly for the last 42 years, except for the one-year period immediately after my marriage.
Yearning in my loins
Me, my life, and my masturbation habits: This is the story of my life, or at least my life that started around the time I was 12 years old. Changes began to occur that would ultimately alter the way I would live for the rest of my days. Fantasizing, feelings about girls, and the yearning in my loins started to take complete control of my groin, and all the while during this change, I worried none. I realized I was starting to finally become a man.
Naked Wars
Masturbation has played an important role in my life for a long time. I can remember as far back as kindergarten, being curious of other people's bodies, including my friends' at school. In the bathroom, I would wonder if anyone else looked like me, and I even used to think I had something that other people didn't until I realized that my other male friends had the same body part as me. I continued this curiosity for a long time, and when I would take baths with other people, or even with my brother, I always asked questions.
Birds and bees
I first discovered masturbation when I was 13 1/2. It was at the end of a summer during which I had many hours of privacy in the house. I was extremely naive as a child, rather protected, and hadn't had any instructions or hints from my friends or older brother about sex. In our family sexual things were never discussed, so it isn't surprising that my older brother hadn't said anything. My mother had given me a "birds and bees" book to read, but it was so obscure it didn't answer anything. It just made me more confused.
National Geographic
Masturbation has been an integral part of my life for as long as I can remember. I started masturbating when I was quite young, around age 6 or 7 — although at the time, I wasn't specifically aware of what I was doing. On our school playground were several horizontal bars that kids would straddle and twirl around in circles. With my crotch pressed against the bar I found it quite stimulating.
Window to the past
I can't remember exactly when I began truly to masturbate, because the definition of masturbation is never quite the same when you ask different people. I cannot remember because my first sexual sensations in my opinion were unique. In my world they were mine, and in my world no one could feel the way I did. However, I can estimate that I began to develop sexual feelings when I was about 10. My parents left my penis intact (uncircumcised for those not familiar with the term), and around that age I gained the ability to fully retract my foreskin.