My masturbation story begins at about age 12. My parents were at work and I was all alone. I began to play with myself. I was just entering puberty, and the hormones were really flowing. I tried imagining what it would feel like to have oral sex. I then spit on my then-5-inch penis and began to rub up and down. It felt wonderful. I then felt like I had to pee, only it felt better. My hips started to buck and my head started to spin. I had my first orgasm and ejaculation. I've been hooked ever since.
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Mental masturbation
Spinal muscular atrophy
I've long wanted to talk about masturbating. The problem is that in my society (South Africa), it's regarded as either childish or perverse (or both!). Only two people I know have admitted that they enjoy this activity, and even they tend to shrug it off as something to do between sexual encounters. Now, we know that masturbation is something quite different to sexual intercourse.
Stuffed animal
Masturbation has been a part of my life since I was pretty young. I haven't always referred to it as masturbating, but I've been doing it since I was in second grade. I remember my mother buying me a book on how babies were made when I was about 8. She bought it for me because I saw a naked girl on TV and was very curious and excited. It was the first time I remember becoming erect. I didn't realize sex, or my penis for that matter, had anything to do with this naked girl, but I guess my mother wanted to give me all the facts straight out.
I'd been dancing
When did I start masturbating? The first time I ever tried it was when I was 15. Several weeks before I had my first session, I was about to take a shower, when I found some magazines in with all the towels. I at first thought they were my mother's women's magazines; I had often seen her put them there. How wrong I was! I took one out and opened it. I was presented with one of the top-shelf magazines for sale here in the U.K. Naturally, I had a good look through and noticed my penis to be erect (which wasn't unusual, because I'd been having lots of "wet dreams" at that age).
Human vase
I live in the Great White North — Canada. I started masturbating when I was 12; I remember it distinctly. I had a bad stomach ache, and my mom said it would help if I went to sleep with a pillow under my hips to sort of stretch out my stomach. I did so, but I wasn't feeling so good and wasn't about to fall asleep, so I put the pillow between my legs and tried to fall asleep on my side. I then started coughing, and my pelvis started to rock back and forth, rubbing my penis against the pillow. I got an erection very fast, and I liked it so I kept thrusting against the pillow.
Naked Wars
Masturbation has played an important role in my life for a long time. I can remember as far back as kindergarten, being curious of other people's bodies, including my friends' at school. In the bathroom, I would wonder if anyone else looked like me, and I even used to think I had something that other people didn't until I realized that my other male friends had the same body part as me. I continued this curiosity for a long time, and when I would take baths with other people, or even with my brother, I always asked questions.
National Geographic
Masturbation has been an integral part of my life for as long as I can remember. I started masturbating when I was quite young, around age 6 or 7 — although at the time, I wasn't specifically aware of what I was doing. On our school playground were several horizontal bars that kids would straddle and twirl around in circles. With my crotch pressed against the bar I found it quite stimulating.
Window to the past
I can't remember exactly when I began truly to masturbate, because the definition of masturbation is never quite the same when you ask different people. I cannot remember because my first sexual sensations in my opinion were unique. In my world they were mine, and in my world no one could feel the way I did. However, I can estimate that I began to develop sexual feelings when I was about 10. My parents left my penis intact (uncircumcised for those not familiar with the term), and around that age I gained the ability to fully retract my foreskin.
Charlie horse
Just as a young teen may remember his first home run or his first choir solo, I remember my first solo with my sexuality. It's definitely something that will always be with me. I was in 7th grade at the time, and I was fantasizing about a new friend I had made. Actually, fantasy was only part of the act — I was also occasionally glancing at a Baywatch episode. At this time I was almost completely straight, and the firm breasts really did it for me. I had been getting erections since I could remember, but by this time I knew that I was capable of much more.
Nude beach
My first masturbation-related experience happened when I was around 9 years old. The gym at my school had a couple thick ropes that went all the way to the ceiling, and we would climb them every so often in gym class. I discovered that if I climbed up the ropes and then held my position long enough, I would get a really funny, but good, feeling between my legs. Another way I got this mysterious feeling was to hang onto a wooden bar and lift my legs off the ground for a minute or two.